Care to discuss your schooling experience?

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Blue Jay
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02 Sep 2014, 12:55 pm

muslimmetalhead wrote:
All 14 years so far, I have felt something strange about myself with the other students.
Even in preschool, I had a rough time with unscheduled social interaction. I'd have thoughts of despair and loneliness when I was like 4 years old. The first day of kindergarten, my greatest embarrassment showed its face for the first time when I had great difficulty finding a partner for...whatever we did, escapes my memory. I was promoted to grade one a couple weeks later, and even though my classmates were a year older me, until 2009 when we quit for a year,I look back and note increasing disparity between my age mates and myself as the years went on, especially preadolescence onward. Middle school (though for my maturity level it might be called upper elementary) was the worst of it, if I remember correctly.I had an aide and even I was normally matured, most middle school kids are overwhelmed by how stupid it feels. Grade 9 and first half of grade 10, I was somewhat stronger, but far less equipped in comparison to the post-pubescent(heck even the scrawny freshmen) adult students, and definitely not capable to be an independent high schooler. Just a terrible time to be me in 2011. I didn't even physically hit puberty on time...I had body and facial hair and a cracked/deep voice, but weak and un-developed musculature and bone structure, facial expressions, and not normal testosterone levels.
2012-present finally brought a person who looked like a grade 9-10 student...still had an aide, but I finally hit puberty, and I was regularly lifting weights...Still no job, looked like an underclassman, and couldn't independently do things, but I was LEARNING and experiencing...Good times,bad times, all up to me...
hopefully college will get better

I, too, always knew I was different but there was no one to talk too because no one understood. I didn't know how to put it into words. I received a lot of emotional and psychological abuse from parents, teachers, and peers who all wanted to know why I couldn't be like everyone else.


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02 Sep 2014, 3:02 pm

cooler8625 wrote:
I, too, always knew I was different but there was no one to talk too because no one understood. I didn't know how to put it into words. I received a lot of emotional and psychological abuse from parents, teachers, and peers who all wanted to know why I couldn't be like everyone else.

:x oh, yeah, this /\ so much this.


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12 Sep 2014, 2:13 pm

I don't have AS, but I am on the spectrum.

Anyway, I had an okay time with high school. The problem was that none of my teachers listened to me. They didn't believe I was struggling so much with work at home and at school. They actually thought I was slacking because I was just lazy. I was lucky to pass high school with passing grades. :/ I was also in a life skills program that was absolute hell. I was being treated as if I already knew how to do the living skills DURING MY FIRST YEAR.

I did have horrible experiences in elementary school, but at the time, it was due to the fact that the school board didn't have proper special education support for my level of disability. It really sucked though because I was teased by my whole class. The kids bullied me and said I never took showers. They also bullied me because I was different. You know what the teachers said about it? They told my parents that I encouraged them to tease me. I encouraged them for behaviors I had no control over. I had nobody to support me except for maybe one person in the special education classroom. I also struggled with math and had to take a lower math class compared to what my peers were doing.

Currently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, learning delays and developmental delays.

Blue Jay
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17 Apr 2015, 8:11 pm

This article was written for my high school newspaper earlier this year. I wanted to share it on this forum to see if some have had similar experiences.

This May be Hard for Some to Read but please do….

To The Class of 1977

I know it's been a long time, but one question I want to ask my old high school class: Have you learned compassion?

That's right. I was the one who was different, odd, and the one you loved to pick on--stealing my books, shooting gum in my hair, being excluded from the group, not invited to social events. I was the one who sat alone at lunch and at break. I was the one with the bouncy walk, stringy hair, crooked teeth, and crooked fingers.

I knew I was different, too, but didn't know why. Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a high functioning form of autism characterized by poor social skills.

I am 56 years old now. Let me tell you what has happened all these years. Sure, I went to college and got an education. But I never enjoyed a career because I can't hold a job. I have had two psychiatric hospitalizations for depression. I have been under psychiatric care for the past ten years--whether or not I am any better is a good question. My parents are dead now and I have no friends. No one ever calls me or comes to see me. I did not get a single Christmas card this year. Sure, I have all the academic accolades, but they are cold comfort.

Did you all hate me so bad that you wanted me to fail in life? If that is the case, you got your wish. Did you not think that I had feelings?

It's OK. I forgive you. If any of you would like to contact me, my email is [email protected] .

Any thoughts from anyone?


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18 Apr 2015, 7:27 pm

I had a horrible time. Went to catholic prep schools all 13 years. I had one or two acquaintances slash friends in each school and everyone else hated me. I was always acting out and getting into trouble. I spent sometimes months at a time skipping school or otherwise misbehaving. I had a ton of anxiety. I couldn't eat well until I left school last year. Gym, math, and art were a nightmare because of as. In high school, everyone thought I was on drugs because of my weird behaviors, and I got the impression some peers saw me as slu*ty simply for sitting at the boys table. People used to get up and leave when I sat next to them. Sometimes I would eat on the floor outside the bathroom or alone in an empty class with a favorite teacher. Or not eat altogether. I could go on and on forever about all the crap that happened with me in those 13 years. But I don't have the time.