I took buses every year until HS. Thank god. from ages 5 to 8 I was in school that was not in my residential school district because we had moved after I was enrolled. My folks had to drive me to the old neighborhood I lived in, since the school district still thought I lived there, which was far from my home, to be bussed to school even further. I lived near downtown San Jose and was schooled in south San Jose.
In 3rd grade, when I was transferred, this time into the district my house was part of, I was bussed from my block where I lived and still traveled about 45 minutes to the other end of town (south San Jose again, but further west).
Coming home from school on the bus was more irritating for me with all the noisy devils talking alot. When a large chunk of them were dropped off at once, the bus got quieter and my headaches probably went away.
Assigned seating was necessary but sometimes I couldn't stand being next to some of the students.
Middle school bussing wasn't as far from home but it still sucked , since my middle school and the adjacent HS were next door to each other, students from both schools shared the same bus. Of course as the middle school student, I had to walk to the HS end and I ran my rear off before the HS bell rang so I can get a quick seat, assuming the yellow box was there in the first place, or else I tried to be one of the first ones on. Other than that, hooligans (mainly the middle school kids and HS froshes) got noisy and were animals. Maybe a stinkbomb ,some tagging and other stuff, but no fights though. A few incidents we had to have the bus stopped. Usually when fill-in drivers were behind the wheel the trouble was worse, just like sub teachers and classroom hijinks.
At least it wasn't like that altercation that happened last week here in the states. Did you see the news about it?
Our middle school had city busses do a shoot route for the school kids. The route they used actually passed my house (I felt the shaking), but the special service didn't really reach my home though. I am sure that I could've taken the city if I wanted to since the line would eventually continue to my house. But then it would've been longer.
Once I got to HS, I never had to ride the big bumblebee again and I was glad about it.