...Thank you for your concern , but I want it . I believe it would help me , the residential angle aside .
I would like to learn filmaking , for one thing , and make contacts thereof ~ That could be do-able there .
pineapplehead wrote:
If you went to college, you may be even worse off (no job and lots of debt). College is extremely overrated anyway.
I agree with the above quote, but I read all the posts and it seems like you just want to go to college because you want to have a home (due to repetition phrasing 'residential college'). If this is why you want to go, try something else -- college is hard for a young person, so it will be much harder for you at your age. I don't want to be negative, but it is reality. If the only thing you want is housing, there are easier ways. Knowledge can be obtained by going to the public library. Besides, you must move out of the dorms between semesters. Where will you go?
College was not a complete waste of time, because I am very educated and like that very much, but I would have had the curiosity to seek out all of that information on my own. I have 2 college degrees in science, 2 majors and 2 minors with a few extra subjects I explored, however, I am not financially better off than a homeless person. I do have a home, but that came about because I qualify for social services. No one will hire me because all ads say "extroverted personality and must have good communication skills". If you believe having a college degree will land you a job instantly, it won't.
I am an excellent worker, but my interactions with people is strained. I don't allow anyone to speak to me on personal matters. I can't do it for very long and it drains me -- takes away mental energy I need for my work. I have to fully concentrate on what I am doing -- splitting my focus makes me feel very anxious, and I mess up whatever I am doing. This makes me angry. I tend to yell at people to leave me alone if they are going on and on too long. I wish I could change that, but some people just won't stop talking.
I have no friends, I cut off all contact with family (no love lost there), and no one will hire me without references or a phone. My life is not any better off with a college education. I have a "can-do" attitude and am a creative problem solver. Even that hasn't helped me because I think I am just living in the wrong place. You don't seem to have a good attitude (always seeing the negative), but I could be wrong. It could also just be your age and years of hardship has broken your spirit. I wish I could give you that back, but it is something you have to find for yourself.
My talents are wasted just because I have bad communication/interaction skills. It really is a problem I am trying to solve. I can't help the bad communications skills (I have tried), but I can seek out a different solution, which I encourage you to do also. Think about non-conventional ways to find a career that puts your natural talents to good use. My solution for myself: I have decided to learn German and seek out temp-residency in Germany to find out if I fit in better there. Their society seems to have more introverts and values introverted talents. All I can do is try, since I can't think of anything else to do.
I hope you find a solution.
Take Care.[/quote]