momofteenaspie wrote:
Hey Jake, why was school hard for you? executive function? attention? My son also likes the structure, though he sleeps thru all his classes, or at least the ones where he doesn't have a teacher on top of him or work being done in groups to which keep him engaged, etc.
I have always had problems with my attention span, executive functioning, memory and attitude towards work. Whilst I do not want to blame my parents, I never had it ingrained into me that education was of utmost importance.
As a slight digression, I will be speaking with my doctor tomorrow regarding the possibility of an ADD assessment. I frequently find that I cannot focus and make elementary mistakes all the time.
I hope your son has more success at school than I did.
"Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just let it happen. " - Special Agent Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks