I have a No.1 most hated teacher of all time called Mr.Bennie, he was absolutely the biggest twat in the history of the space-time continuum I actually want cut him into little pieces using a chainsaw, I personally think he discriminates against people with disabilities because when I was in set 3 maths, he knew I had As as he'd taught me before but he acted like i was an idiot, I just can't concentrate on stuff I find boring, I'm not amazing at maths, brilliant at science, but maths is lame, so he moved me to set 4, when my friend, Alec, who also has AS moved up, he constantly picked on him and made a laughing stock of him by telling him to shut up, even though people knew Alec had AS before me, so I think he's just a dick.
"When I Die, I Rot"-Bertrand Russell
"War does not prove who is right, only who is left"-Also Russell
"Religion is the Opium of the Masses" -Karl Marx, Father of Communism