Assassin wrote:
thatrsdude wrote:
Just one thing, at my school bullying didn't get real bad until high school. Be prepared.
I seem to be the anomaly there, in that i was bullied worse at primary scool. Or mabey i was just better able to cope with it at high scool, and so didnt notise it as much. But whatever the reeson i notist it a lot more at primary scool.
I had a lot of bullying problems in primary school, but things got better as I got older, and then they went way downhill again at high school.
The third primary school I went to was a small country school where there were only about 70 kids, so by the end of grade 7 most of the kids got used to me. One thing that worried me on the first day of high school was that there was a kid there in my science class who was in my primary school class before he moved schools, which was before people in primary school started to accept me, so he only knew me when every hated me, and when he saw me he told everyone on the first day how much of a weirdo I was.
The downside of small schools is there's not too many groups to fit into, there was only one real group of friends in my year level, and if you don't fit into them, you have no chance of fitting in with someone else. At least in larger schools you have a bit more of a choice, although it does mean that more people realise your problems and more people hate you.
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