What was your worst year in school?

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09 Oct 2005, 5:02 pm

Year seven was a pretty bad year for me. Being the youngest pupils year sevens were the targets for the rest of the school and were subject to a whole lot of casual violence on a day to day basis. This included being herded into the corner of a classroom and having chairs thrown at us, being threatened with knives, having unknown drugs forced down your throat and being mugged on the way home.

Luckily once I hit year eight I was a whole lot taller and more menacing, so people left me alone.

Not only that was bad, but the teaching was poor as well. Years seven wasn't considered an important year so we had some of the most utterly inept teachers ever. Seriosly. They did not know the first thing about the subject they were teaching, they could barely control the class and some of them didn't speak a word of english. I learnt nothing during that whole year.

It wasn't fun.


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09 Oct 2005, 9:03 pm

ADHD!! ! AHH!! ! WHAT YOU SAY??? I'M DAYDREAMING!! ! WOO!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! LALALA!! !

Hmm...where to start?...

I've always hated school, so this is a tough question. I almost failed 5th, but I liked it anyways.

Umm...7th.... Had a huge crush on a girl...rejection (etc.)...attempted suicide...failed (duh)...Parents divorced year earlier...I was severly depressed...on Prozac and Adderal...On the outside I was an emotion-less zombie, inside I was sad as fu**. Outbursts at mom...it was just a bad time in life, and school made it worse.



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09 Oct 2005, 11:03 pm

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
attempted suicide...failed (duh)

Oh yeah it must be horrible to fail that. :P

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11 Oct 2005, 11:03 pm

Junior year in high school. Hospitalized a couple times, then was in outpatient hospital for quite awhile. Hardly ever went to school during the second semester. Plus, life what sh***y at home. Everything collapsed at once.

All I had was art.

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12 Oct 2005, 2:53 am

I was harassed in ernest every day from grades 4 through 8. I got bullied and picked on before that, ever since 2nd grade, but the real heavy duty stuff started in 4th grade, after some kid made up a rediculous story about me which, given my social awkwardness, everyone else in school believed.

But by far the worst year of my life was 8th grade. The absolute worst. The harassment and bullying which I had experienced since 4th grade came to a head, and it got so bad it caused my grades to plummet--3rd marking period (quarter) of the year was the ONLY time from grade 2 through 12 I missed honor roll. I was the "class f**", the person who, if you even tried to attempt to befriend me, you'd immediately be dismissed and punished by the rest of the student body. And that's just it, the student body. It was not just a few bullies, it was a few people who were not bullies. And the teachers didn't make things any better...I was so weird, they probably had enough of me. I would not beat people up--I had this goal of not getting suspended--so I was the only male in my middle school to not be suspended, and as a result became the punching bag of every guy in the place. One teacher even directly told me I should respond physically. I didn't follow those instructions, but she did get promoted to principal of another school in the district a few years later.

I should point out that, after the horror of middle school, high school was infinitely better. Nobody gave me any problems. They all seemed to grow up in one summer between grades 8 and 9. I still remember getting off the bus from my first day of high school, and Mom asking me how the day went...I said "It was the way I wished middle school was." People grew up, but I also think the SIZE of the school had something to do with it. The school had reached a threshold of size where it was big enough that no one could match every other face in the school with a name. Which means that if someone started drama about someone else, it would NOT spread very far throughout the school. That was another saving grace, and is the reason I cringe whenever I hear educators salivate over "small learning communities." Small classrooms are great, but keep the schools big enough where one isn't going to be known to everyone else.

Now I'm in college, and it's a million times even better than high school. I'm gonna miss college when I'm done.

It makes me wonder...if I were a kid today, what would happen. I have a feeling my social awkwardness in elementary school would raised some ASD red flags which weren't known back then (AS only became "official" when I was in 4th grade, and the word is now only beginning to really get out into society about it). I have never been diagnosed with anything--and while almost all the quirks I have ever had seem to match many of the criteria for AS (which, combined with my having friends on the Spectrum, is why I am on WP), most of the tests I've taken show me as being almost dead-center halfway between the average score for NTs and the average scores for AS.

But yeah, getting back to if I were a kid today...If I had a label, it might have been a hedge against the harassment--granted, having a neurological label in middle school is no walk in the park (I tried walking through the park, and, uh, let's see...shaving cream, sticks, chicken bones, even other students would get thrown at me)...but if people had an explanation the teachers were in on, it might've hedged it at least a bit. There'd be a story explaining a lot of the things I got harassed for.

My words of advice to anyone in middle school getting pummelled is that what you face does not have to last forever. Don't expect it to. People change. And while there are some AS-unfriendly jobs out there, there are also plenty of environments where your differences will not result in harassment. Hang in there.[/i]


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12 Oct 2005, 3:23 am

my worst 2 grades ever were 7th and 8th. I was suspened both years for saying something I shouldn't have said. They really didn't care that I had AS. well actually they found me a more dangerous person cause I have it. I was teased stabbed with a pencil hit with stuff laughed at, lied too, and suspened. It wasn't any fun trust me.

thats for grade school

my worst high school year was last year... another story for another time.

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13 Oct 2005, 12:03 pm

9 to 11 (in Colombia we don't have 12)... I graduated by miracle!! !


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13 Oct 2005, 10:47 pm

Worst years...
Year 1 to 12. I HATED the place.

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Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
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14 Oct 2005, 12:44 am

It's interesting that everyone thinks differently about their worst years in school. By the way, Who_Am_I, I like the quote in your signature. :)

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14 Oct 2005, 11:46 am

thatrsdude wrote:
Sarcastic_Name wrote:
attempted suicide...failed (duh)

Oh yeah it must be horrible to fail that. :P

Oh yeah! Failure is not an option! Maybe I'll try to pass that class again this year. (sarcasm)



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17 Oct 2005, 1:17 am

Worst year for me was definately my junior year of high school. That's when the "teasing" reached an all-time high. Seriously, making my life miserable was a regular pastime for about 10 people in this school. And this was a small private school, and these people were in most of my classes, so it's not like they were easily avoidable. The worst of the teasing was over my reaction to the teacher announcing a fire drill, but they also made fun of my voice, certain things I said, certain reactions I had, and the fact that I seemed to be in my "own little world". It also didn't help that I had an evil hack of a physics teacher, and a few other not-so-great teachers as well. The principal had some issues too. So, I don't think it should come as too much of a surprise that I transferred to public school my senior year.

The second worst year would probably be 7th grade. This was when I happened to, er, break wind once during class, and they made fun of me for it the rest of the year. Of course, I didn't even realize they were joking at the time - practically every day, they'd start making gestures and sounds which indicated that they smelled something disgusting, and of course they proceeded to place the blame on me. I now realize it was all a joke, but I didn't at the time - and neither did the teacher apparently, as she once brought in "The Gas We Pass: The Book of Farts" to read. In spite of the circumstances, I couldn't help but find that amusing.


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17 Oct 2005, 5:14 pm

3rd grade started off good even though I was at a completely new school, until my anxiety started to come into scale, then it was more imbalanced but not as bad as...

5th grade- I couldn't keep up with the class as I could with the previous 2 years. I had so much frustration with things I was able to do but for some reason had difficulties. Luckily I passed

6th grade - first year in middle school. Warning notices, academic probation and a whole lot of teasing. I hated every bit of middle school even though 8th grade was a better year for me than the previous ones.

10th grade - worst year in high school. Failing 3 classes so I was given permission to drop them at the end of semester 1. Thankfully I made them up though. This was the time I was about to be diagnosed with AS so that was a relief in many ways. Second semester got a little better with a good ending, which led to my junior year which I say was my best year in HS.

So for the record. My worst years were

Elementary: 5th grade
Middle: 6th grade
High School: 10th grade


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20 Oct 2005, 1:52 pm

7th grade which was odd because I was so looking forward to it (I loved 6th grade) and probably 10th (no friends that year and the football team which I was on was so bullying (and the coaches looked the other way because it was me being bullied.))

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20 Oct 2005, 2:00 pm

I was bullied throught elementary and middle school, but my worst year was probably 9th. The first half, anyway.

I started out at a school in Arkansas where my teachers didn't think much of me, my classmates all thought I was weird and spoke too fast (I'm originally from NYC and spent much of my time in Portland), I was having bad manic-depressive episodes, and I got into a couple of fistfights (including one on my 15th birthday).

Everything turned around when I moved back to Portland in January of 2000.

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21 Oct 2005, 9:03 pm

all of them were bad :-( I suppose it got worse every year until I finally dropped out, but each year followed the same pattern. I could never concentrate or do any work in class so the teachers would shout at me which I hated. they would shout until I cried in front of the class, shaming me in front of everyone, like it wasn't hard enough already to make friends :-( so every day i lived in fear, the more I was in fear the less I could concentrate on doing work, the more they humiliated me, and so on...

by secondary school I was being sent to see the head of year about my bad report card every year... it was always the same kids each year - the nasty bullies and lazy people who didn't care or try, and me... we'd sit there in the corridor, I'd be getting picked on by them, awaiting the ritual humiliation from the head of year. Then I'd get called in for my 15 minutes of verbal abuse, I'd be in tears again :cry: it was so bad I'd dissociate, that's probably how I survived, I can remember going into the office but I never remember coming out again... think I survived most of school by dissociating. I'm still not really over it.


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22 Oct 2005, 2:38 am

My worst years were 6th and 7th grade (surprise surprise :roll: ).
I was always bullied to some extent throughout school but those years were a nightmare I'm still recovering from. In 6th grade, when I went to class on the first day of school, it was as if everyone all of a sudden cared about what I wore, how I talked, how I wore my hair, what shoes I had on, the way I acted......and it was all wrong. The bad part was I didn't know what I was doing that was so bad that an entire class would bully me every single day and no one, not even the "good" students, would be my friend. In retrospect, I guess I was so different due to not following the social attitudes and mannerisms others had I made an easy target for all their frustrations, insecurities and an easy scape goat when playing on sports teams during recess.

This was back when 6th grade was still considered elementary school so we were in the same class room all day, not good if you're stuck in one room for 8 hours a day with people who hate your guts. When the teacher would call the girls, then the boys to line up for lunch, if I wasn't in the very front, they would each skip the person in front of me and then "skip back", getting behind the person in front, thereby in front of me. And I dare not tell that person to move.

And then there were little epitats like, "nerd", "geek", "low-life", "ugly roach", ect. They even made the kids from other classes think I was literally "mentally ret*d". It didn't help that I came from a poor family (neglectful mother, emotionally absent step-father and dead-beat father) so I didn't get to go to the beautitian to get my unruly hair done or get new shoes, even after mine had holes which others would deliberately stomp on. And the teacher? He watched all this go on all year and never did a d**n thing. He also contributed to some of the contempt the others felt for me, calling out in front of everyone for bad grades or whatever but never correcting anyone for what they did to me.

At my 6th grade graduation, when everyone else's family came, my mother didn't come because she had to get her hair done. Her hair was more important than my big day and I was all alone while others went out with friends or spent the rest of the day with their family. So I guess from that point on, I assumed I was what they told me I was and was afraid to make one mistake, developing social anxiety disorder in 7th grade, which I still battle with today. Seventh grade was just as bad due to me being among the youngest and easy prey for older kids. They crowded around my locker everyday harassing me to the point the teacher had to move me to one on another floor. Now, I look back and wonder why was I the one that had to move. Why couldn't the authorities just handle the kids themselves instead of letting them go without any inconvenience suffered on their part? And don't even mention gym class, always last in that tortuous ritual called "picking teams" due to my unathleticism.

I think I'm just now, 16 years later, learning to love my whole self instead of walking on egg shells trying not to get people from noticing I'm different and bully me again. I also don't blame myself anymore and believe that the teacher should've protected me and other adults radically dropped the ball when it came to looking out for my best interest. But one thing I learned from that and other experiences like it is that I can't count on others to defend or take care of me. That's something I must do for myself.

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