i discovered sex in the weirdest way. my older sister made me watch Friends with her, and if you've ever seen Friends you know that every other episode deals with sex somehow. i was like 10. and finally i just asked my sister "what the heck are they talking about?". and she goes "um...well..."
i have a funny sex ed class story. this was before abstinence only became de riguer so we had an actual sex ed class, however bad it was. it explained how STD's worked by having three paint jars lined up (one red, one yellow, one blue) and dipping a paint brush in each so the colors mixed, while "This Magic Moment" played in the background. i am NOT making this up.
we also watched a video of a live human birth in biology class. i swear you couldn't find any better birth control than that.
Descartes wrote:
instructing teenagers not to have sex until marriage just doesn't sound realistic to me.
are you kidding? it should be a snap! we all know teenagers aren't horny...oh wait...
seriously, abstinence only scares the crap out of me. and the fact so much money keeps going into it when it's PROVEN it doesn't work baffles me.
to me sex ed should come down to just this "girls, if he doesn't wear a condom then don't give him none. so guys? wear a condom."
OH GOODIE! - Three Chords in Three Panels
NEVER NORMAL - Saving the World Between Sketchbooks