fauxnaif wrote:
I recently started back to college again. Today I was thinking about different means in which people grasp subject matter.
Some take notes. Head down. Flipping through their textbook. Others highlight in their textbooks. Giving the teacher eye contact every once in a while. Some talk to the person sitting next to them.
I have never been able to keep attention if I look at my professors. I can only take notes in very few classes. Most of the time I keep my head down. Either laying on my arms. Or with my hands resting over my ears holding my head up. Eyes usually closed. I'm not sleeping. I'm not bored. This helps me to focus and paint a picture in my head of what the professor is saying rather than remembering the actual words he's saying. Once the picture is there. It's like a comic strip in my mind. It's easy to go back to it once the time to test comes. I review the slide show and everything he or she discussed comes back.
Is anyone else like this?
In what fashion do you learn material most effectively?
I had a similar thing before but then I noticed I was to sloppy and when I wanted to remember a fact I couldn't remember the whole thing just details and the topics merged. Now I have a new system that includes a thick plastic folder and my subjects mapped out, when I want to remember a certain fact I visit the black folder in my mind "opening" it, when I want to memorize the subjects and what order they are in (the order after my schedule) I just remember where the subject is and I memorize the titles of the different topics and if they accrued in the beginning/middle/end of semester. By dividing my experience in parts I can store them more easily and go back by remembering different texts in different colors.
Black - subject
red - topic
blue - text
Later on in my "slide show" I go too the:
"Black Folder" ( that instantly tells me semester-2009)
---> "Subject" (this will point you towards the direction of focusing on red topic text related to the subject)
---> "Topic" (the red text will give you a stronger impression of what you have done since it's a rather aggressive color and memorable) ---> "Text" (after remembering the topic I get the information of the (blue) text for free since I take a snapshot in my mind of the paper telling me the location of the red text and the blue real factual information that comes with the memorized page. (adding numbers to the pages can help and even drawings)
a small drawing of a snake can stand for = medicine
a drawing of a coin can be = finance
It's a system and all systems take some time to learn.
The way you write things is up to you, but always try to formulate it in a way you get it, then when you're done with your own text you add a [ bracket ] at the end of your text with the real academic keywords.
I started adding them and I noticed I no longer remember slides or visual imprints but I can relate the memorized events and pictures to the academic words instead, a pleasant symbiosis between image and text. The academic text can even give me a recall of all the information that was used to explain the academic text to begin with thanks to aspie ability to remember and gather a strong vocabulary.
I'm not here to enjoy life, I'm here to withstand it.
Crosseyed God