"Geology is a science though. I only took geology 110 though and it was pretty easy. I have no idea what advanced geology is like, but if I could have gone back I would have considered this. It would be good if you want to work in the oilpatch."
If I can find oil and 'retire' at a ripe old age of 40, I will consider geology

Other than that, I will still try to avoid sciences but I will take a step at a time.
"what do people in your family do? do you have a relative working a job you can see yourself doing?"
I have two retired parents (but they ain't rich, man) and two married sisters. No $$$, sigh. So I will just wait and see.
do not fool yourself into thinking you should be making a lot $$ in life. you should expect to work very hard for very little money with little job security. that's just reality for you my friend. the middle class is getting screwed all over the world. and working people's wages are going down.