Has anyone ever not been bullied?

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30 Mar 2009, 5:29 am

I was bulied..but now bullies try but my defence is too strong. (thanks too previous bullying)
when my defence is broken I explode with a legandery temper.


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30 Mar 2009, 7:25 am

Jacob12 wrote:
Most of us have at one time or another, but was anyone not?

i do not think i was bullied at school, but i was told i was by counselors. i did not see it as bullying.
i was laughed at constantly by everyone for almost every thing i said and did. in class, kids would erupt into uncontrolled laughter after i gave a response to a teachers question. i was often ejected from classes because of the disruptive influence i had on the others learning.

in the playground, people watched me and laughed at my way of doing things. like how i opened my bag and got my lunch out, and the way i looked at my food before i ate it etc. they would laugh at me without trying to conceal it.
as well as being embarrassingly eccentric (in their minds), they thought i came from a super rich and snobby family because of my vocal style, and they used to tease me a lot.

eg: at lunch, i liked to open the cling wrap of my sandwiches carefully so as not to squash the bread or deform the shape of the sandwich. so i looked for the seam in the plastic sometimes for quite a while, and i would eventually huff and puff and say "oh for christ's sake!! !" while i continued to look for the seam.
someone might say (with the others looking on) "welll ..the butler packed the lords luncheon incorrectly today esquire?" in a snobby accent designed to imitate what they thought my accent was.

but i did not see that as bullying. they laughed at a true idiosyncrasy i had, so i liked to play games with them to make them laugh more (and misguidedly) by exaggerating what i thought their false impression of me was.
so when he said "welll ..the butler packed the lords luncheon incorrectly today esquire?"
i said something like "no it's the blasted cook fault!! ! correction... ex cook!! ! this is totally unacceptable!! ! i'll have his hide for this!!" (in an overly amplified tone of superior snootiness)

they would laugh their heads off because i pretended to be serious. they would say things like "f*ckin' jeez what a ...whoa" (they did not use the word moron). they just thought i was so far gone in my idea of acceptable behavior that i was an oddity to behold.
i do not have any connection in the heart with people much, so sometimes i saw them as objects like toys that i could generate responses from.
often i saw them as chimps. like i had an image of them in my mind as a mob of chimps all sitting on their haunches on a big rock, grimacing and shrieking.

if i went to the zoo and was looking at chimps, then i would repeat any action i initially accidentally made that aroused a "shriek and grimace" reaction from them. it is fun.
i would not feel like the chimps are putting me down. i would feel like playing with them to get them to jump around in excitement and go amusingly beserk.

that is how i felt about the "teasers". they were fun to play with because they swallowed anything i said without question and got excited and animated.

i must stress that they started it, because i genuinely needed to find the seam (in that example), and they reacted and made a statement that was exaggerated in it's imitation of me (and incorrect), but i decided usually to play into their expectation of me, and exaggerate even their wildest expectation.

no one ever tried to touch me though. i felt safe.
if anyone ever did touch me, i am not sure what would have happened next.
maybe they also felt the same way and they decided never to get too close to me.

i adult life, i am treated better, as adults are not as easily thrilled as school kids. some young adults make fun of me at the tavern, but i just ignore them because it is not school, and i do not have to stay there.

i do get ripped off all the time however. i am not sure if that counts as bullying.

the most recent example of being fleeced is when i went to have my car inspected for re-registration.

i needed new tyres. ok. $800.
i needed my gear stick worked on (worn bushes(although it felt tight and snappy to me)). ok. $200
i needed a gasket for the rocker covers to be replaced. ok. $200.
new petrol pump. ok $140.
brake linkage caliper things. ok $240

but my car felt as tight as a drum and in super good condition, so i wondered why my bill was mounting so quickly just to continue the registration.
so it was $1580 so far. ok.
next day he rings and says the brake pads need to be replaced. $360.
i said that i had a brake pad warning sensor light on my dashboard, and it did not light up indicating my pads were worn.
he said he would get back to me.
he got back to me and said the solenoid in the brake pad warning sensor light was also faulty and had to be replaced. $90.
i could not argue because if i did not get my pink slip, i could not get my car re-registered.
so i got all those things done and it cost me $2030.

but he still was not finished!! ! he noticed that the first aid kit in the rear windowsill first aid storage bay was gone. my car is a mercedes 560sel from 1989, and it had a first aid kit in a storage compartment marked "first aid" in the rear window sill when it was built. god knows what happened to it since then.
but he assured me that i had to get a mercedes branded first aid kit. no other car i know of has a first aid kit in it, so why must i have it only because i have a hole for it?
apparently the car has to be true to "original specification" if it is to pass for rego.
i asked how much would it cost, and he said that they are super rare these days, but he had sourced one from germany for $700.

i told him i would come and get the car and to forget any more work.
so now i have a car i paid $2030 to get registered sitting in my garage that can not be registered.
but a female friend of mine has an old crappy dull car she bought for $50 and it billows smoke and it is rusty and she has to carry water with her because the radiator empties after a few miles and she has to keep refilling it. she got that re-registered a few weeks ago for $300.
it sags on it's suspension and it's doors all do not close very tightly.
i will find another mechanic i hope that will overlook the fact i do not have a genuine mercedes w126 1989 first aid kit in the first aid well.

but when i drive in with a large mercedes that they know would be very heavy in fuel consumption, and they hear my voice, they think i am made of money. then, when they hear me talk for a while, they lock on to the fact that there are some things missing in my mind, so they see dollar signs, and take me for as much money as they can.
that may be a form of adult bullying i guess.


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30 Mar 2009, 11:12 am

I have been lucky, bullying is only a minor problem for me but it does happen. I have learned to ignore people. I do get bullied because I am over sensitive to people touching me, they go behind my back and poke their fingers right through the side of my body near the waist.

I bet I would be bullied if I revealed my special interests around school :( .


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31 Mar 2009, 1:03 pm

Worst years of my life were grades 8-12. Unlike alot of males though, my tormentors were both male and female.


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12 Apr 2009, 4:29 pm

I have never been bullied. Well, at least not to my face. I dont know what people say behind my back. Anyways, I have always been bigger and stronger than everyone else my age, so nobody has ever bothered me. The fact that I started lifting weights when I was 12 probably helps a bit with that.:)


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12 Apr 2009, 4:33 pm

I've never really been bullied.


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17 Apr 2009, 5:24 pm

I havn't been bullied for my autistic traits, but I've been bullied for plenty of other things (I was in the Goths for a while, it was cool while it lasted, but I got a lot of abuse of random people). People occasionally insult me, but it's never so personal that it hurts, if an as*hole tries to annoy me I put on a really eccentric style, and naturally he laughs at that, and that diverts his attention from the fact I'm terrible at the whole social thing :lol:

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18 Apr 2009, 9:20 am

ive only recently found out about me being who i am as in an aspie though i had some of the worst bulieing and and grade six was the wosrt year as i had my teacher lockme in a seperat room for half the year ! and also had a horible time with bullies as they tried me phsicly and mently that year though in a twist of fate one of the worst one is know my best freind !

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18 Apr 2009, 9:42 am

I've always been the easy target, I don't get bullied as much now but I am ignored alot which counts. And if someone is joking about something they always use my name in the joke like mentioning "sophie hobson" is hilarious. I often get people whom I don't like come up to me to start a "conversation" but it's not genuine because they know how awkard i am with people i don't like and they want some entertainment, so they start asking me questions about myself and I answer them truthfully (I never learn that lesson) and while looking away or I'm fiddling with something in a stimmy way because I'm nervous. This happened a few months ago in science these two girls were talking to me, they were two of the nasty girls but they were putting a nice voice on and saying they're "trying to be friendly" when really they're taking the piss. I was facing virtually with my back to them and I mumbled quietly and in a dull voice, and one girl said "why are you looking away?" and I said "I do that anyway" which isn't interely true because I usually face the person if I like them. And they kept asking me who I fancy and I told them because i was pressured and put on the spot. Then they're saying I'm hard to talk to and all that. That's the kind of bullying I get, bitchiness disguised as a nice conversation.

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19 Apr 2009, 11:13 am

I wasn't bullied at school. In fact, I was sort of popular. In the fashion design club, the chess club, and later I was head girl. I guess it's because I was always good at organizing things and helping out at events, and my special interests were sort of normal, so I got along well with the others, though I was sort of quiet. Nobody really disliked me. I wasn't really close with most of the people, but I wasn't making any enemies either, and that was why everybody could agree I was okay. I guess that's what being 'popular' is all about anyway: not p***ing off anyone and being friendly while not too open with strangers. It's not about having many close friends. I'm in touch with 4 people from my school times, the ones I'd really consider close friends, the rest is... gone, never to be met again. They don't care and I don't care, but if I ran into them, everyone would say hello politely and pretend to be really happy. :lol:

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19 Apr 2009, 11:58 pm


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06 May 2009, 1:32 am

Jacob12 wrote:
Most of us have at one time or another, but was anyone not?

I've never been bullied.