I would find that frustrating, too. In fact, it sounds like she needs to expand her social skills! Treating everyone the same, in a stilted, mechanical way, not really engaging with people, (speculating a little) all sending, no receiving, in a thoroughly perfectionist way, afraid of being judged and found wanting . . . My Oh My, this starts to sound a whole lot like Aspie communication style!
I have noticed with myself that I am sometimes better at a job than a "normal" person, but less good socially, which is often vague, understated, right-brain feel and texture, valuable, all valuable in its own right, just that it may not be my first language.
A job has some goal-oriented aspect, and I take it seriously. Many, many other people, both normal and otherwise, simply go through the motions regarding a job. When I worked at H&R Block, I took it seriously, especially trying to adequately disclose the RALs (Refund Anticipation Loans). Many of my fellow co-workers did not. The biggest aspect by far is that the bank will engage in "cross-collection," that is, third-party debt collection. I think a lot of people if they merely read about something don't really believe it until they see it happen, and fortunately this is rare, maybe 1% of Block clients, although when it happens, it is a body blow. People need to be informed in advance. At least try to have that conversation.