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Were you bullied by teachers
Yes 37%  37%  [ 166 ]
Yes 41%  41%  [ 185 ]
No 11%  11%  [ 49 ]
No 12%  12%  [ 52 ]
Total votes : 452

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 May 2009, 1:27 pm

I was yelled at, thrown into a separate room and physically assaulted by a teacher in Grade Four. I was mocked by a lunch room monitor, humiliated in front of a class in Grade Seven by a teacher. I was also the "strange" one in a program full of Gifted students, so I was an outcast within an outcast group.

I honestly felt like, and still feel, that teachers aren't interested in stopping bullying behaviour a lot of the time because a) they're too busy to deal with it, b) that's "how it is" and c) they want to retain the loyalty, focus and devotion of the broader, greater majority of students at the expense of a few. I had a drama teacher who was like this -- she wasn't really interested in getting me out of my shell more so than she wanted me to "go along to get along" and win over the support of the kids in the class who were better at drama classes. She wasn't interested in helping me learn drama or make me feel like I was part of the group. I probably should have and could have done a better job at demonstrating emotional empathy with people, but I honestly had no idea how.

She booted me out of the final Big Show the final year class puts on every year. It was beyond humiliating. I went to all four shows because, in a misguided effort to help, I had helped the class with making tickets for the show, earning local sponsorship for it and try to be a part of it. I wish I hadn't ever helped my teacher. She made me do an independent study project so I could earn my final grade (which, in irony of all ironies, I ended up earning one of the top 10 grades in the class because of). It felt like a huge slap across the face, considering that I had directed a Japanese Kabuki theatre project before and built all the sets, props and materials on my own for it. Of course, I was apparently wrong for that gig too.

I know I made the mistakes and have to take responsibility for my own behaviour. I feel like I've really evolved since then, but it's still a deeply painful experience to remember all those years. I won't ever go to a high school reunion just because, honestly, I don't remember a lot worth revisiting.

I think the part that hurts the most wasn't my own sense of loneliness, walking around a school yard feeling like I was a mistake and wanted to be invited to play but never getting it. No, I actually feel sadness for the fact I caused so many problems for my parents. I feel like all I've ever been to them is a burden -- a stressful burden.

I have a huge problem with authority now as an adult. All I've ever known is that authorities of any stripe -- family, police, education, work, whatever -- have rarely, if ever, made me feel like I was worthy of consideration. I've tried very hard to evolve and had extremely low-esteem for years -- why do people in authority feel this need to abuse those who try to respect them?


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11 May 2009, 4:40 pm

Cicely wrote:
When I was in 9th grade one of my teachers caught me skipping a pep rally (technically those are optional, even though everyone is expected to go) because all the noise would cause me sensory overload to the point where I'd have an anxiety attack. He yelled at me to go to the pep rally and actually followed me in and watched me the whole time so I had to stay there, which teachers are allowed to do with students who are misbehaving. I wasn't misbehaving; I was just sitting outside and reading. I had a horrible anxiety attack at the pep rally, of course. He told me to "knock it off" and was really mean about it, but whenever he saw me skipping a rally after that he just made some comment about my lack of school spirit and left me alone.

I hate pep ralleys! They are extremely noisy, and I could care less about the football games, my high schools football team sucks ass anyways, so why should I care? The football players in my school are arrogant asswholes who only care about themselves, and they show no talent in football whatsoever. The last time my school had a pep ralley, I went to the office and asked my mom to come and pick me up. Our gym has awful sound in it, and everything echoes really loudly. why couldnt you explain to him that the noise bothers your ears? he hopefully would understand after that.

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11 May 2009, 4:44 pm

d057 wrote:
i had a teacher in elementary school that would not call me by my real name. she would always give me nicknames that I really did not like. I explained to her that i didn't like being called that, and she didn't listen, she just kept calling me by that name.

My parents emailed the teacher about it, and it stopped for a while, but after a few weeks she started doing it again. My mom then complained to the principal about it, then she got a day of suspension for it. I hate teachers that don't call people by the name they want to be called.

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11 May 2009, 5:41 pm

I haven't been bullied by teachers but when I did a work placement doing admin work in a hospital, their new boss bullied me in a bitchy, clever way. She made me feel nervous and frustrated so I was under-performing and I was already quiet and crap with instructions anyway but she made it worse.
She kept saying that they didn't know I was doing work there even though it was sorted out within the second week which was before the new boss arrived. So then she said there was no benefit in me being there and she asked me who was in charge of my college course and I didn't know what to do and I was just repeating the same crap all the time trying to explain myself but then one of her co-workers laughed and said I was "entertaining".
My mum rang to complain and I ended up not going there again.

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13 May 2009, 9:49 am

I really think cameras in the classroom might help to deter Teacher-Student bullying.

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13 May 2009, 4:28 pm

d057 wrote:
Cicely wrote:
When I was in 9th grade one of my teachers caught me skipping a pep rally (technically those are optional, even though everyone is expected to go) because all the noise would cause me sensory overload to the point where I'd have an anxiety attack. He yelled at me to go to the pep rally and actually followed me in and watched me the whole time so I had to stay there, which teachers are allowed to do with students who are misbehaving. I wasn't misbehaving; I was just sitting outside and reading. I had a horrible anxiety attack at the pep rally, of course. He told me to "knock it off" and was really mean about it, but whenever he saw me skipping a rally after that he just made some comment about my lack of school spirit and left me alone.

I hate pep ralleys! They are extremely noisy, and I could care less about the football games, my high schools football team sucks ass anyways, so why should I care? The football players in my school are arrogant asswholes who only care about themselves, and they show no talent in football whatsoever. The last time my school had a pep ralley, I went to the office and asked my mom to come and pick me up. Our gym has awful sound in it, and everything echoes really loudly. why couldnt you explain to him that the noise bothers your ears? he hopefully would understand after that.

Add me to the list of those who hated pep rallies in school. In one school, we had a gym and it was so noisy with all the echoing, the students cheering, and it often got hot and humid. I wish I could have done something else during them, but it wasn't optional for us. To make matters worse at that school, my sister was in the marching band so I got dragged to just about every football game, something else I didn't like.

In high school, we didn't have a gym so we had them outside weather permitting. I didn't like them then either, I thought they were a silly waste of time. I managed to stay on the sidelines and participate as little as possible. In my high school, the class that screamed the loudest got to be the keeper of the "spirit stick," a wooden stick with the school colors on it. It actually caused alot of feuding between the classes because some claimed they were biased in which class got it, so they stopped doing that, but the next year, reinstated it, with specific rules on how the stick was to be awarded. I thought it was totally silly.

I was also criticized for my lack of "school spirit" at both of these schools. I have never understood the concept of "school spirit," or what made me so bad for not having it. My sister, who was in the marching band, picked on me at one time for having no "school spirit". Been out of high school for 23 years and I still don't understand "school spirit."

I'm just glad I'm out of school and don't have to do stuff like that anymore. I wish I could have gone to a "real school" that put academics first, where students who made trouble for those of us who wanted to learn would be punished or told to leave, and where teachers were people you really wanted to help you learn, and treated you right if you did.

Such as life.


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13 May 2009, 10:30 pm

i remember my kindergarten teacher was so mean to me.
i actually understand why she was.
i thought she was mean cuz i was too sensitive and for the checklist thing you have to learn how to tie shoes, button jacket, zip jacket, remember you phone number/street name i couldnt do that especially tying my shoes and she didnt want to help me i had to learn on my own. my mom told me that my teacher said ?you should take care of your girl shes is the sweetest thing on earth and is too sweet that she will be bullied" i had her as an extra help math teacher and she was nice.


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14 May 2009, 5:59 am

I was never "bullied" but I voted yes because I had one teacher that found it amusing how other kids ripped into me most every day. He did nothing to maintain classroom discipline and other teachers were shocked that he'd sit back and laugh at how I was picked on rather than do something.


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15 May 2009, 1:44 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
I was never "bullied" but I voted yes because I had one teacher that found it amusing how other kids ripped into me most every day. He did nothing to maintain classroom discipline and other teachers were shocked that he'd sit back and laugh at how I was picked on rather than do something.

If a teacher lets someone bully you I say they are just as guilty of it for not stepping in.

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22 May 2009, 2:54 pm

just like NT's they always pick easy prey, preferably one which they dont understand


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22 May 2009, 3:14 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
I was never "bullied" but I voted yes because I had one teacher that found it amusing how other kids ripped into me most every day. He did nothing to maintain classroom discipline and other teachers were shocked that he'd sit back and laugh at how I was picked on rather than do something.

I had a 7th grade Catholic School teacher who was exactly like this. She was my home room teacher and also my science teacher.

She was fully aware that this one boy was harrassing the hell outta me and was calling me "slow" "stupid" and "loser" inside and outside of the classroom...and this was very early in the school year when I was just new to that school. When we were assigned science room partners I ended up partners with this guy. These partners were assigned for the entire school year so I had to address the issue of getting a new partner right I did and she tells me "there's nothing I can do". WTF?! You're telling me that in a classroom of only 16 people you can't do me the f**king deceny of giving me a science partner who isn't going to make my school year a living hell?! She knew that this kid was going to be trouble for me and she still partners me with him anyway. WTF??

And at both Catholic schools I went to (I went to one in 7th and another in 8th), I was being harrased and picked on by a lot of kids in my homeroom but when it came down to it my teachers saw me as the problem and not the students. I had to do a group presentation once and when I started do my part of the presentation (a serious presentation on Washington DC) EVERYONE was laughing at me because of my speech and my nervousness. The teachers were there and they of course didn't do a thing. They didn't even tell the students to shut up or scorned them for being rude when I spoke. They just let them laugh at me during the whole damn presentation until I was done talking.

Not to mention one teacher who when describing me during a parent-teacher conference said that "I wasn't doing as good as "so-and-so". I thought it was an insult to compare me to another student (who was actually a friend of mine then). You can say I suck all you want but don't compare me to someone who was obviously getting the highest grades in the class!

Tufted Titmouse
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22 May 2009, 4:23 pm

I see some teachers are really cruel when I´m reading the posts above...uh.. :?

I was bullied several times, too, especially at highschool (gymnasium-and it was supposed to be elite school,tss! Well sometimes it really wasn´t. :roll: )..

It was mainly on physical education, once the teacher(woman) let me just for fun to run alone in the end of the PE class because she wanted ho have some fun together with the English teacher(also woman). I guess it was because I had even in that time way bigger breasts than they two will ever have. :twisted: But it was so humiliating,they were practically laughing at me.

And it was a good custom that every teacher had criticised the way my handwriting looked (though I was always the best one in the class with grammar!! !)... and they were showing my works to whole the class as it would be some garbage.

Plus there still was the factor that many teachers do wrong- ignorance. They are the ones who see if the class is bullying
one student and they don´t do anything,pretend it doesn´t exist. Like my classmates were one year having fun insulting me and calling me (well not just me) names in the middle of the lecture and the teacher just didn´t react.

*forgot to mention that it lasts in the university,too. But not because of my AS, and in more intelligent way. Once I had an exam for which I was preparing really hardly three months long,14 hours a day and in the end the examinator made me feel so nervous that I couldn´t answer one specific question she gave me and because of that she has sent me to "sell vegetables" in the front of another at least ten people. This is what you can get after one year of medicine study.

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26 May 2009, 5:31 pm

My first teacher to bully me was in grade 2. I was ahead of the class in math so she would make me come to the front of the class and have me attempt (and fail miserably) at grade 6 or 7 level problems. Later on in grade 6 my teacher told me she would fail me if I didn't "start acting normal." My grade 8 and 9 english teacher didn't exactly bully, but he'd make it clear that he didn't want me in the class. My grade 11 and 12 math teacher was the same, and then the grade 12 calculus teacher Just went along with the class. He didn't always bully me, just whoever the class was picking on that day.

University's been really good so far. Maybe I've just lucked out, but all the profs here dont seem to do any of that.

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30 May 2009, 8:37 pm

The majority of my elementary teachers were full of ups and downs, though my high school teachers have been better for the most part. But there have been some occasions when I have been bullied by teachers but not necessarily done intently.

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02 Jun 2009, 4:22 pm

:twisted: I was only in kindergarden for a week, maybe even less when I was five but I went back at another school when I was six when I had an ADHD diagnosis.

My mom says my second grade teacher was very cruel to me but I had several friends so I think that lessened the blow. We were supposed to cut out pictures of animals and glue them to a backdrop. I did extactaly that it wasn't until all my animals were glued that she told me I was supposed to fold the bottom to make them stand up. Another time we were given a picture of a praying manthis and there were little pictures with addition problems on them. If the answer was a certian number, we were supposed to put it on the picture of the praying manthis. I got all of the answers right but I didn't glue the socks to the praying manthis' feet or put the stool under his butt. She never explained we were supposed to but things a certian way. I also had to draw a picture of "the past" while another kid did the future. I did a mesozioc sene with two dinosuars. I colored one orange and she gave me a hardtime and she and the rest of the class humiliated me because dinosaurs were supposidly green. Paleobiologists use modern day reptiles and birds as examples to what colors dinosaurs may have been. Most birds and reptiles are brown not green. I guess my teacher never heard this and never saw a gilla monster or a sun conure or oriel before. I had an undiagnosed seziure disorder and as a result I had uncontroable full body tremors. I could not color inside the lines all the time and she would threatnen to send me back to kindergarden so I could learn to color properly.

My third grade teacher was really unorginized and did not know the meaning of the word structure. On the very first day I was ready to start cracking open the books. She had all these notebooks in everyone's desk. They were our "journals". Since it was mine and I was so desperate to write or color something I wrote journal but misspelled it and Mrs. L was quick to notice and point it out to everyone. She then went and labeled everyone elses with the correct spelling. Animals were my main obsession and the only thing I was good at. I looked at the science text book and was thrilled to discover that the second chapter was on animals. I was on pins and needles waiting for us to finish the first chapter which was about planets and space. When we finnaly did finish it, the teacher announced we were going to skip the chapter on animals. I think she did that purposely because she knew that was the only thing I was good at and wanted to hurt me. I was already isolated socially and then she goes and moves my desk next to hers away from the other kids, only adding to my isolation. She basicaly ignored me and I was allowed to draw and color all day long. My grades naturaly plummeted. Math was my worst subject and I could not get higher than the threes. Everyday she had a timed multipaction table test and those who got every answer right got to pick out a prize. Each level had a diffrent set of prizes. 11 and 12 had the best but I couldn't get past the threes and soon I wasn't even alowed to pick out a three level prize. I felt as if she was rubbing it in my face that I did poorely at math and she was punishing me for it. By then I had developed a stim where I would pick the rocks from the bottom of my shoes with my pencil as a way to self soothe. I did not have any friends and if there was ever any potentil for me to the teacher killed it because she encouraged everyone to make fun of my weirdness. She encouraged the other kids to make fun of me for it. My desk was also the messiest in the classroom and she also encouraged the other kids to make fun of me for that. I was was wishing I was dead and although I never slit my wrist I would pinch myself on the legs with toenail clippers as a way to punish myself and to release all the emotional pain. I didn't what what sucide was but if I did I surely would have tried it. I was developing a repuation as a trouble maker. As I had previously stated I had no friends. I was bullied mercesily and I learned really fast that the only way to defend myself was to fight back violently. Whenever someone approached me it was either to tease me or physicaly hurt me. I soon began to interperte any approach as a hostile one and would lash out at anyone who approached. I was wrongly accused all the time and was veiwed as the bully. Everyone thought I was enjoying all of it but really I was scared. I probably had an ulcer. I was on the playground when this one kid kept sticking his fingers in my face he dared me to bite him so I did. I broke the skin and made him bleed. School was almost out so I was suspended for the rest of the school year.

By fourth grade the school board had decided I was too uncoorapitive to be in a regualr classroom full time but was was still "teachable". The original special ed teacher who I had met on several ocassions seemed like the nicest lady in the world but she retired and a grouchy red haired lady replaced her. I had trouble with cursive and she would yell at me for that. To give the special ed teachers a brake, all the kids were sent to their regualr classroom for a while. I was constantaly thiristy and drinking water was also just another way for me to self soothe so I was at the water fountian constantly and the teachers had to fight tooth and nail to get me off. It was like prying a wild animal off it's prey. As I said I had pretty much interperted everything as a threat due to my expirences the previous school year. I heard a kid whisper and thought it was about me so I shoved him into a locker and told him to keep his mouth shut. It turns out he was just commenting on something tottaly unrelated to another kid but he never dared to tease me after that. The teacher saw the whole thing and decided I had to be seen by the principal. She grabbed my arm so hard and litterly draged me. It felt like she was cutting off the circulation and any sort of touch was preceived as painful. The only way to get her to let go was to bite. She immetidaly lets go and snaps "Don't you bite me". It turns out she left a huge bruise. My parents hit the celling and were going to sue the school. The teacher almost got fired but instead just got a report in her record. Years later at a yardsale my mom and I were talking to a lady with two autistic kids who went to the same school as I did and it turns out she did the same thing to one of them.

My parents had had enough and had taken me out to homeschool me in the fall of the fith grade school year. I have never been back.

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05 Jun 2009, 12:16 pm

Interesting story I can relate.

I wasn't liked by teachers either and they let other kids bully me and if I tried to defend myself then I was the one that got the punishment they should have gotten first.
At least you had the courage to fight back at the time. If I did I was treated all the more horribly.
It toke me till 8th grade to finally get some nerves and really start laying down the law that I wasn't going to take it anymore.
It got me through high school pretty well but now if I could go back in time I would fight the bullies in elementary and middle without a second thought.

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