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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Oct 2013, 11:41 pm

My favorites are music creative writing and English, but right when I graduated they put in an Astronomy class!! ! So not fair.

But I hate histories, any of them. They're boring.

"I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know." - Emily Dickinson


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28 Oct 2013, 7:29 pm

Being ignored or hated in these parts (don't ruin it for me )

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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31 Oct 2013, 2:27 am

Psychology, Algebra, Trigonometry, and English

Your Aspie score: 181 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 28 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie


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01 Nov 2013, 3:55 pm

English, music, textiles and I.T . Anything where you have to pay attention to detail basically.


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01 Apr 2014, 5:55 pm

Loved doing computer lab the most. We started doing computer classes in first grade and it was really fun. Any of you younger aspies remember Millie's Math House and Kid Pix? We did those all the time. Then started doing Type to Learn and more advanced stuff in 3rd-6th grade. I also remember those big, bulky headphones like it was yesterday! I also loved when we did "centers" in music class - xylophones, GarageBand (YES, we had Macs instead of Windows) and keyboards, the latter two required headphones...
I also LOVED when the teacher read aloud a book to us. And when we did a science experiment it was also very fun for the younger "me".

Middle/Junior High
I really enjoyed my English class in 7th grade. We got to read "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor and the teacher said I did REALLY good with Timothy's lines. (the elderly black man) I also did another computer class in 8th grade and enjoyed it, and I also enjoyed doing life science and physical science. Did some great labs, some of them (in 8th grade) involving computers as well. I remember doing a flame lab in 7th grade - we all had to be really careful in that lab because a mistake could have triggered the fire alarm!

High School (currently in now)
LOVED my social studies/humanities class in 9th grade. The teacher took us on 4 different field trips in 6 months. I have not done 4 field trips in a year since probably 4th grade. He was also funny and enjoyed talking with me after school and during passing periods!
Currently I am in a leadership class that I really enjoy - as well as a Forensics class which I really enjoy! If I had to get into a science field it would probably be in the CSI world. Figuring out identifications of victims and suspects is really fun.
Next year I'll do anything I can to get into Child Psychology - I want to be a teacher after college. Every week the class goes to an elementary school with a teacher (which you can pick which one you want for the year) and helps out with the class and their work. There is also a Multimedia class I'd like to get into but the teacher I've heard is an ass. Just last week I heard him getting on his Marketing class for the tiniest reasons while I was working next door in the computer lab on a Leadership project.

Math - any of it. If I want to be a teacher, all I need to know is add/subtract/multiply/divide/percents. I am doing the "required for graduation!" Geometry and it is HARD for a sophomore like me. Assignments not so much, but when tests are handed out I have "test-itis". Last 4 have been Ds. Had 2 Fs as well. Everyone says Algebra II will be easier than Geometry and I hope they are right. I am OK with sin/cos/tan.
PE classes. Too much running and too much team "perfect" effort. There were several times where I was in meltdown mode because of a soccer or flag football game that didn't go so well. And in games like flag football I would always get my flag pulled off by a general ed student - and there were times where I just started pulling off flags off everyone because I was in meltdown mode - with football or not. And running? PULEEZE! Teachers put in too much effort to running - when they know walking for 60 minutes a day also burns calories! I always sucked at running and for a while my miles were 9 minutes or worse. My highest is 7:35. Without a water bottle in hand while I am running I cannot do it! I'd also get muscle aches all the time.
Art - I am not great with art and I am not looking for a degree in that.
World Languages. I probably will have to do Spanish soon. If I want to be a teacher, I do have to know a little Spanish because there's loads of parents in this world that don't know a lick of English. But it's going to be a tough road for me.
Anything involving ASB. All ASB means is loads of overtime after school and weekends and I will not do that. I will not work for the Homecoming dance and then take down all the Homecoming posters and all that the next day. No thanks.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Apr 2014, 10:14 am

Most liked:
History. Even though I never studied anything between the English Civil War and the death of Queen Victoria, any 20th century history is extremely interesting. My personal favourite eras have to be USA in the 1920s, UK 1950-1990 and USA 1945-1990.

Religion and Philosophy. I've always liked it, for some reason. Maybe it's because a lot of my novel characters are all sorts of different faiths. Currently, I have 3 Muslims, 3 Jews, 2 Catholics, 1 Hindu, 2 Protestants, 4 Atheists, and 1 Satanist. Plus, the topics covered include several that I'm intensely interested in. Evil and suffering, religion in the media, religion in art, marriage, warfare, and the belief in demons is definitely the most interesting for me.

Least favourites:
PE. I absolutely cannot stand it! Either we're freezing cold out on the fields in winter, or baking hot from the annual heatwaves in summer. A few students have passed out before from the heat, but oh no...we still have to do it. Same with if we get injured in school, as we still have to do it then. Plus I have to tie my hair up, and it pulls so much, setting off sensory issues.

Music. Normally I like it, as the listening papers are ok, and I like actually doing the compositions. The real problem is, my teacher is...well for lack of a better word...bitchy. When she listened to my first composition, she said it sounded completely demonic, and I had no hope of passing at all "even with a decent appraisal of that din". When she listened to my second one, apparently I'd managed to waste the 20 hours given on it, by creating something "with absolutely no musical merit at all". She was bitchy about my Performance too, and said, "If you want to even think about passing, don't sing." when she knows I'm too uncoordinated for the vast majority of instruments available.


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02 Apr 2014, 8:23 pm

For my PE class however, if you got injured you could go to the nurse's office. Injuries otherwise needed a doctor's note however. There was a day where two kids knocked me down onto the turf during a soccer game in freshman PE. Got a good turf burn from that and I was hurting all day. Those two kids taunted me a lot and said F and S words to me (as well as racial slurs to other kids, like the N word and f*g)


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12 Apr 2014, 2:29 am

I love history class. specifically european history, east asian history, generally focusing around the past 3 centuries or so. i've read mein kampf, and i can point out mistakes my history teacher has made (during a slideshow on world war 2, he used a map of the cold war europe instead of ww2 europe, with modern german borders [no east prussia] and no baltics). i cringed.
art is great too. my self portrait won 1st place in an art contest recently
i sort of like track and field, the coaches are friendly and there are no super complicated rules and positions like in other sports, but i don't really enjoy coming home at 5:30 and 6:00 on tuesdays thurdays fridays, and mondays and wednesdays, respectively. i'm rather slow and awkward in my rinning and this is why i dread competing but hey, i need the excersise (but i'm not overweight or anything) and my team members are rather supportive of me.

ew gross classes:
math; like any kind of math ew. i know some f it will be useful at some point but
english: just WHY? also my teacher is a total loon


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19 Apr 2014, 3:06 pm

History, Sociology, and Psychology.


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21 Apr 2014, 11:45 am

I really love psychology and sociology (graduating with a psychology major and sociology minor in a month, in fact).

I also love science in general, particularly biology and volcanology (why volcanology, I don't know, but it was an obsessive interest for like six months).

If I were to go to graduate school, I'd specialize in evolutionary psychology, because the field as it stands is awful and I want to make it less awful.

?For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.?
-Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Apr 2014, 11:47 am

My favorite subjects are: Music masterclass performance, orchestra (when I was in middle and high school), and Calculus I, II. I guess computer programming I, II are ok, but music is my passion and computers are my interest.


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21 Apr 2014, 1:05 pm

Usually any type of science would be my strong point.

Elementary: science in general
Middle: Science, Earth Science
High School: Ecology of Maryland, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Oceanography

Though I also progressively got better at History as the years went on.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Apr 2014, 9:09 pm

I like the Humanity subjects as well as Human Anatomy

I'm really not good at Math and never have been


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16 May 2014, 3:06 am

history and philosophy

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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19 May 2014, 7:48 am

I don't have any favourite subjects. but I have strength in ICT.



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20 May 2014, 6:16 am

Non specific...

Favorites: Math, Science, Music, Physical Education

Least favorite: English, Social Studies