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Blue Jay
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03 Sep 2006, 2:27 pm

Used to travel on school bus every morning and evening to school in y 7,8,9 (2005) in England.

The buses operated were the shabiest ones from the depot operating 20 year old Leyland Olympians or Metrobuses. These buses are terrible and still running a public service around the streets of South Yorkshire though should be removed soon due to a recent take over from Stagecoach (big british bus company)


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03 Sep 2006, 3:38 pm

Drzava wrote:
Granted, I live in sweden and have never ridden a school bus in my life, but if I moved to America and they tried to put me on the special needs bus, I would be f*** livid. As uncomfortable as a regular school bus might be, it'd still beat being branded as a ret*d.

Wow, classy. :roll:

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03 Sep 2006, 5:34 pm

I absolutely hate when people refer to kids on the little buses as ret*ds. That's so cruel. Every time someone says that I want to kick their butt. It's like, what would happen if one day you're in a car crash and you lose both of your legs and become brain damaged? Anyone could become physically or mentally incapable at any given point in his or her life, so people shouldn't make fun of others who are. They also shouldn't because the person being picked on feels bad (believe me; I would know).

Last edited by Jekyll on 03 Sep 2006, 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
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03 Sep 2006, 6:03 pm

Jekyll wrote:
I absolutely <i>hate</i> when people refer to kids on the little buses as ret*ds. That's so cruel. Every time someone says that I want to kick their butt.
Well, aren't they? Isn't the little bus meant for people with mental handicaps, like downs? My phrasing might have been uncouth, but the core of my argument still stands. I am not handicapped or disabled. My perception of the world might be very diffrent from the majority of my peers, but that does not render me unable to sit on a bus with other people.

Many people on these boards have been bullied and picked on, and in most cases that probably stems from other kids believing that children with AS are diffrent, and do not deserve the same treatment as other "normal" kids. Do you think putting AS:ers on the little bus will help this? No, it would (in the other kids eyes) clearly label them as diffrent and "unnormal". The easiest way to change peoples minds is to show them that they're wrong, and could that be done by removing the AS:ers from social interaction with their school- and classmates? Of course not!

But if the kid wants to use the little bus, obviously he/she should be allowed to do so. But it shouldn't be enforced policy.

violet_yoshi wrote:
Wow, classy. :roll:

Wow, thought-provoking and substantial reply :roll:


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03 Sep 2006, 6:22 pm

I wasn't making that comment solely on what you had said; I made it just in general. I hear kids make comments about special education kids that are very cruel, and it's horrible. That's one of the many reasons why I hate public school. When/if I have kids, they're not going to go to public school.


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03 Sep 2006, 6:25 pm

I ride the city bus and the subway to school. Actually in the morning my parents drive me to the subway because it's dark.


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03 Sep 2006, 10:07 pm

Actually Jekyll, Dranza has a point on what goes on in the US whether it is right or wrong. Hell, even the administrators push the point of view that special needs buses are for ret*ds. They use it to get a child to behave (although it works better at the middle school level than either High School (where most of the students know better or in the case of the last 2 years, can drive themselves) and Elementary school (where the students do not understand the issue yet).

Louis J Bouchard
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03 Sep 2006, 10:32 pm

I think you misunderstand me. I have no problem with the separate buses. What I have a problem with is people being cruel and calling those with special needs ret*ds and other derrogatory names. If they refer to them as anything, it should be the first name of the child in question. They could say special needs, mentally ret*d (but only if they are truly mentally ret*d), or the disorder the child has. I hate when people say, "You're ret*d," or, "Look at that ret*d over there." That seriously grates on me like nothing else. It's not the kid's fault that he has special needs, and he most wants to be seen as himself and not "that ret*d over there". It seriously pisses me off when people call other people ret*ds, or mimic self-stimulatory behaviour as a form of picking fun, then point at the child and laugh. It makes me sick to witness, and I hope I never have to again.


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05 Sep 2006, 8:34 pm

My school bus has a mixed group of high school students from my school and little middle school kids from another school in the same area.
I wanted to sit next to my fellow high school students, but the bus driver came up with this bogus " required assigned seating" arrangement that puts me at a physical distance from others my own age and right between a bunch of annoying little middle schoolers. I like to talk on the bus, but I think given my current circumstances I'm just going to try reading, doing homework, and gazing quietly out the window to avoid being bothered by small children.

06 Sep 2006, 3:59 pm

I rode a bus to school since I was 3. I went to a special school for kids ages 3-5 for kids with development delays. I remember riding the bus to school and I didn't mind. It wasn't too noisy. I rode a special bus to school until I was 8. My parents put me in a new school that was close to our neighborhood and plus, every kid in elementary school went there who lived in my neighborhood. I rode the normal bus to school and I was teased and made fun of by sixth graders. Then when I was in forth grade I didn't get teased much because this boy named Chris who might have had AS too was the number one kid to get teased and I was number two. He was like my bodygaurd becaus ekdis teased him instead and as long as he was on the bus, I wouldn't be made fun of so it made me happy but felt sorry for Chris. Even his little sister would try to protect him by telling the older kids to leave him alone but they ignored her. Even the bus driver picked on him too because she'd yell at him everytime Chris was screaming at the kids.
Then when I was in sixth grade, my brothers and I were driven to school and back. Then when I was in middle school and high school we only rode the bus home, our parents took us too school in the mornings because to take the bus to school, you'd have to get up at sixish and the ride was over an hour long to school. Then when I was 17 and 18 I didn't take the bus anymore because I drove.
I never disliked riding school buses.


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06 Sep 2006, 4:17 pm

Poor kid...that must've sucked. I used to get picked on all the time when I was little. I still get picked on from time to time, but it's not nearly as bad as when I was little.


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07 Sep 2006, 9:49 pm

The only good Bus is a Red one that has a Face and a Pole at the back.


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08 Sep 2006, 6:53 am

the best bus i ever rode on was from technical school once. the bus co ran out of school bus drivers(all were busy) so tehy inlisted the help of the charter bus drivers(them reallly nice buses that take old and rich people to atlantic city) those things are nice, comfy seats, nice veiw out front(hence you are not looking at back of driver's head) they had a fold down tray (like on an airplane) and best thing nice courtius driver and it had a bathroom in back.

it would have been really neat if they were double deckers!! (cockneyrebel?)

the reason why they arent is that i think it has to do with balance and turning radius(not sure)

anyway its alot better then the orangish yellow ones with uncomfortable seats, nasty drivers and bad diesel or antifreeze or garbage smell!

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08 Sep 2006, 8:07 am

I have really nice memories of Mr Earl the bus driver.


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08 Sep 2006, 10:03 am

my fav drivers were the bus company owner(nobody wanted to drive tech route once) and the other was michelle ( she was funny) the only thing i didnt liek that much but was ok was she would speed up and go over them speed humps in road ( so kids in back got some " space training") i always sat in front beucase with the heavy bookbag i had i didnt want to get "launched"

in elementry school on a feild trip i got launched when bus was cahnging from cobblestone street to reguler pavement(we went to the old barracks were general george washington had his army) when bus hit the bump i went up hit head on ceiling of bus and landed in seat in front of me. the bus i was on didnt have seatbelts. after that they sent us on our trips with buses with belts.

now about school bus company owner, you know them old grannies that pull in front of you and drive at a snail's pace?? he was one of them!! i didnt get home from school til about 5:00 that night! wasnt really that boring it was like a dream that would never end.

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11 Sep 2006, 9:22 pm

Someone tried to set my hair on fire once with a lighter on a school bus.

Yea.... I don't like them that much.

I mean I could ride them, and most of the time people where cool, as well as the drivers... I just liked having a family member pick me up better.