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Were you bullied by teachers
Yes 37%  37%  [ 166 ]
Yes 41%  41%  [ 185 ]
No 11%  11%  [ 49 ]
No 12%  12%  [ 52 ]
Total votes : 452


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08 Jun 2009, 1:08 am

My teachers always got onto me about my handwriting, and because I can't read cursive. One actually asked if i had been dropped on my head as a baby. I got involved in debate because i had very formal speech patterns. The coach also taught my AP english class, and held that over my ead when i tried to quit. She also uses student labor for personal profit to this day, but the report never went anywhere.


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08 Jun 2009, 4:50 pm

here's an example from someone with NLD (like AS)
there are probably more examples ... le-on-nld/

My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Sutter, told me in front of the whole class that I didn’t deserve to be in a “1″ class. She said I was “a sloppy, lazy girl” who didn’t think like the other girls. I was developing early and wasn’t proud of that. She pointed my pubescent body out to the other kids, remarking about my breasts. She would not have felt entitled to treat me this way had I been a student she respected. Somehow that got back to my mother, who seemed more upset about my new bad body image than my being taken out of a “1″ class.

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-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD


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12 Jun 2009, 1:31 am

I went to Catholic school in Vegreville, Alberta, a small town of 5600 during my school years.

Most of my school years, the teachers were great.They all seemed to like me and cared about all of their students.When I come home to Vegreville, they still say hi to me and ask me how Im doing and wish me success.

I remember in grade 5, I had one teacher who was really kind too.At the time, my parents didnt have enough money and couldnt buy valentine cards, but instead of having me humiliated the next day, she gave me paper, markers, and other materials, and let me make valentins cards...a few other students volunteered to stay behind to help me.She stayed after school to assist in any way she could too.

High school, the teachers were pretty good too.The vice principal took it as her calling to protect those who were bullied, and punished the real bullies harshly.She was just and fair and kind.There were many bullies who made my life a hell at times, but because of the support I got from teachers and some aquaintances, I pulled through.I also had aquaintances at the place I worked and my boss was pretty good too.Within 6 months I went from cook, to supervisor of the whole establishment.Before that from the age of 12, i had paper routes.I guess along with support, over the years, i also got support from the customers from all of my employment.They didnt care that I seemed wierd because I performed my job well and they made money.I finished high school with exceptional marks.My parents didnt know about the bullying I endured.I was too stubborn to say anything,In junior high, i always dreamed of joining the army, but that dies down after I started getting into law and politics.

The only teachers I had a problem with were my grade 11 english teacher, and my grade 9 PE/social teacher.The PE teacher allowed the other students to bully me and because I didnt have a partner for a weeklong dance project in PE, he was going to deduct me 10 percent.I skipped school for most of the week, and got excused from that portion and did not lose the 10 percent.Thank God Canada doesnt have truancy laws.

My grade 11 upper acedemic english teacher didnt just bully me, she bullied many in the class, even NTs, so it wasnt because I have AS.She marked everyone hard.Luckily, I still passed and went on to grade 12 upper acedemic english.I had a new teacher for that class because the bully teacher was pregnant and left.

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16 Jun 2009, 3:59 am

Slightly Bullied, But They're Mostly Pricks.

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16 Jun 2009, 12:45 pm

I saw an Oprah show where they were talking to adults who were bullies as kids. I wish she'd put teachers on and ask them why they seemed to relish traumatizing kids. My worst memories were from teachers. Teachers can create scars that are hard to erase.

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28 Jun 2009, 10:19 pm

Shadowgirl wrote:
When I was in Elementary and Middle school I had to deal with teachers that bullied me.

I'll tell you what I can remember for example.

In grade 3 I had a teacher say to me "If you were my child I would tie you up, beat you half to death, and throw you in a closet"
(This was before I was put in special needs in 5th grade)

Ie most bullied of all.

Amazing this is still going on today when laws are much stricter. In the 1970's when Iwas in grade school, the crazy nuns told a kid he was being 'not brought up, but dragged up'. I have no idea what that means to this day. Another actually TIED a girl to the chair with jump rope because she kept gettingout of her seat! They finally got rid of that teacher after she did more abuse. They used to let them get away with all kinds of abuses then because the stupid parents didn't consider it 'abuse'.


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04 Jul 2009, 3:21 pm

What??? Why in the world would teachers want to target, harass, and torment certain students for? Is it because of the students' disabilities? Or is it that they are unlikeable and tormented by other students?

I did have some social and behavioral problems between elementary school and high school but luckily, I was NEVER bullied by any teachers at those schools and NOT even by any college professors.


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04 Jul 2009, 3:57 pm

tcorrielus wrote:
What??? Why in the world would teachers want to target, harass, and torment certain students for? Is it because of the students' disabilities? Or is it that they are unlikeable and tormented by other students?

I did have some social and behavioral problems between elementary school and high school but luckily, I was NEVER bullied by any teachers at those schools and NOT even by any college professors.

That's a question I'd like answered. I had a couple of mildly bullying teachers who got off on humiliating a kid in front of the class to supposedly teach the kid a lesson but I had one teacher who would insult and scream and throw chairs at the kids who were most likely to be terrified.

I wonder if some people become teachers because they want to be dictators on a small scale and get off on the power over helpless people.

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10 Jul 2009, 4:07 pm

I used to have a science teacher who put his picture on the wall next to Albert Einstein's and dropped a metal ball on the desk next to people who were putting their heads down!

What was his name? Mr. Baker.

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Like a drop of blood in a tank of flesh-eating piranhas, a new idea never fails to arouse the wrath of herd prejudice.

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28 Jul 2009, 5:37 pm

Most of my teachers were awesome, but I've had some that weren't really nice, and none of them were Special Ed Teachers.

In Kindergarden there was this teacher who's name I cannot remember who used to send me to the principle to get paddled for everything. This is no lie, I got paddled for playing with my shoe laces, not knowing how to count pennies, and once we had to paint blue dots on pictures of crabs, I painted really big dots instead of little dots and got paddled for it.

I didn't tell my Mom why I was getting paddled so she thought I was misbehaving, but once she found out why she got furious and cussed both the teacher and principle out, and threaten to hit the principle with her own paddle if she ever touched me again.

In 6th Grade I had a teacher named Mrs. Cipriani who had everyone convinced she was a fun and nice teacher, but she was never nice to me. She was constaintly putting my self-esteem down, like the time we did a project where we were sewing a quilt with patches that had pictures of our fav story characters, and because my sewing was sloppy she snatched it from me and told me I couldn't finish it. I also used to have a problem with clawing myself whenever I got upset, and her response was "Careful Grayson I don't want you getting blood on my clean floor". She also used to do this thing where she awarded points to students who behaved so they could buy treats from her box, and after my third month in her class she stopped giving me any points, even though I thought I was behaving.

In 7th Grade I had this teacher named Mrs. Hughes who never truely "picked" on me, but the problem I had with her was she always ignored me and never offered assistance when I had trouble with classmates. My last day in Middle School a kid stabbed me in the arm with a pencil and I bled. I told her what he did (she was in the classroom at the time) and she said "I didn't see it happen so I can't do anything". That was the final straw with my Mom, and she pulled me out of school and homeschooled me temporarly until I got placed in a Special Ed School, which was the best thing to ever happen to me. :D

I was amused to learn a year later she got punched unconcious by the same kid who stabbed me in the arm, and that very same kid ended up in a Youth Detention Camp. :twisted:

The interesting thing is, unlike most kids with Aspergers who've become aggressive from this kind of abuse (which is totally understandable), I never became a "Bully". I became obsessed with being a "Good Kid" and did everything I thought was right. I never got suspended or sent to the principle once, and I got a reputation for being the "perfect student" to most of my later teachers because I never did anything against the rules if I knew they were against them. That's why most of my teachers loved me, and even my classmates seemed to admire me for not getting in trouble. However some students thought I was kind of disturbing for never once getting in trouble with any of my teachers. :P

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30 Jul 2009, 10:26 am

In secondary school my English teacher used to try and provoke me when the inspectors came around. i wasnt playing into her silly game. i never got an apology from her and she didnt understand my self harm tendencies. accused me of attention seeking!



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30 Jul 2009, 3:15 pm

Yes I did. Screwed me up. I'll make a video on it eventually.

Before I knew about my aspergers, I whispered something to someone and got stood up in the class where the teacher yelled "You aren't shy, you're a rude, selfish little girl" God knows where she got selfish from.... the next day someone else did the same thing and she just said to them "Don't whisper".

Thats just one example.


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30 Jul 2009, 9:32 pm

Some teachers are just inconsistent.

However, some teachers seem to have taken my Asperger's personally. I'm thinking of a swimming teacher and a band tutor. I guess because it makes me noncommunicative in some regards and apparently some individuals really, really take personal affront at this. They do not need to.


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01 Aug 2009, 10:05 pm

OK so, when I was in Kindergarten, my teacher was a BEEP! She took who knows how many of my backpack. She stole candy from my locker that my bus driver gave me. I was almost always last in the sank time line. And she would always call someone from my house to come pick me up. And my dad didn't like her.

My first grade teachers where nice, but the SEAs were not. They would always take me out of normal class which I didn't like. First grade is when I started Special Ed.

My second/3ed grade teacher was even worse(same bad SEAs)! When I was in second grade she let one of the students(Joe) throw stuff at me and then he ended up throwing a stapler at my face and I had to go home. There was a timeout room there that was known as the Pick room(the walls where painted pink). I was put in there I don't know how many times for who knows what and I hated it! Before that happened pink was my favorite color, it changed to blue some time in 3rd grade. The room was so wrong becuase if they wanted to, they could of locked me in there forever becuase when you are inside in and the door is closed you can not get out and less someone opens it. There where some times when they put me in there they would turn the light off. When the light was off in there it was pitch black and I was scared of the dark at the time! Sometime when I knew that the teacher was going to put me in there I would bite her. I don't even know if my parents knew about that, most likely not. It got to the point that my parents had to force me out of bed in the morning. That was my last year at that school!

My 7th grade teacher let other students mess with me. He had us do stupid things and a lot of times I would not do it because it was so stupid. Two of the other students would sit there and mess with me and he would just sit there and do nothing about it! One of the students thought it was funny to say that I beat up babies! That made me so mad that I would yell at him to shut up! One day i walked out of the class room because I was so mad! :evil: The other teachers and the SEAs didn't like him(the teacher) at all, they would talk about him when he was not in the room.

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02 Aug 2009, 12:19 am

Luckily,no 'cuz I go on a private catholic school and so the teachers were afraid of GOD...nyahaha

?We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.?


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06 Aug 2009, 10:24 pm

The teacher got ticked off at my quirks. So much so that he wanted me to REQUIRE that I bring medical cough drops to class, he wanted me at the Far edge of the classroom, and that I kept it up, he wanted to get me out of his class...and I had a B in his class, a B!!

So never have a teacher who graduated from California-Berkley folks! :P