(new from Washington state! I am a high schooler living in central Washington, formerly in Western WA forever)
Fire drills SCARED me in elementary school. We had these Simplex alarms that were straight out of 1990. When they went off, it would be a *loud*, continuous horn noise. I had to cover my ears and hold teacher's arms and hands for many years. I remember one time there was a fire drill in computer lab, I ripped off the headphones that were used for the computer I was assigned to and put them on as the horrible noise was blaring. Another time I was in a portable building during recess hanging out with the sp-ed aides (4th grade I think) - unexpected lunch fire alarm! The alarm in the portable was bigger, and was probably the loudest alarm I have ever heard in my *life*. Scared me to death.
They are called 2901s. The one in the portable was a *very* loud 4903 unit.
We also had some loud Simplexs in junior high as well. One time I was walking in the building - mind you this was 10 min before 1st period, and the alarm went off, straight in my ear!
Weirdly, the alarms in the last school district I was in (Monroe) did not scare me a bit at all. Why? Voice announcement and pretty darn quiet "code-3" alarm. Means it goes off 3 times and stops, another 3 times and stops, etc.
Anyways, alarms startle me now but I still have to plug my ears when I am within a few feet of one. At my current HS they get plenty loud within about 5 feet.