Fire drills--Are they as pointless as I think they are?

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08 Apr 2007, 11:55 am

I hate fire-drills, they make me freeze-up/ have meltdowns. They are so unorganized in my school, just crowds of people moving.

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22 Apr 2007, 10:52 am

They are very pointless when it comes to me, I have Snsory Intergration Dysfunction and when the fire alarm goes of I panic and freak out, so now when they are doing a drill they tell me before hand so I can leave the building and go to the firepoint before it goes off. Dumb or what.

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22 Apr 2007, 12:24 pm

I've always loved them because it meant taking a break from class but I hated it when I had to stand out in the cold or rain.


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24 Apr 2007, 2:22 pm

AS_Interlocking wrote:
I found the new ADA-compliant fire alarms are a lot better than the old ones. The old ones would just go off with startling, ear-splitting noise. The ADA ones, with their lights to alert deaf people, seem to "warm up" about a half second before going off, and start flashing, thus taking the suprise and startle out of it all.

Anyone else who remembers pre-and-post ADA fire alarms agree? Disagree?

I disagree. The strobes make it more terrifying. I've had many nightmares about fire alarms but none were more scarier than an intensely bright strobe flashing to a high pitched whistle in the pitch black dark.

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

The second scariest would happen to be the 60 Hz buzzers.


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24 Apr 2007, 2:26 pm

Jekyll wrote:
We recently had a fire drill during my Humanities class. My teacher--who I swear has AS--acted really weird before the fire drill and was grumpy the whole rest of the day. My teacher and I talked about how loud the noise was and how we both hated it, and he actually warned us about the fire drill before it happened, which was totally awesome (but I was pretty anxious beforehand because I knew what was coming.) Teachers should do more things like that, I think.

Warning ahead of time makes it less frightening. I had a teacher who did that, too.


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08 May 2007, 1:33 pm

I didn't mind Fire drills so much. It was lockdowns I hated. we all had to crowd in the corner away from the door in the frount of the class. This was usually about 10 minutes until we where allowed to go back to our seats.(though sometimes the lockdown continued after that because they had drug-sniffing dogs in the hallway.)
At my elementary school the fire alarms SUCKED. they sounded like a freakin' Jackhammer!

Though Fire Drills do serve a purpose: If there actually WAS a fire, people might get hurt in a stampede of people to get out. If they think it's another fire drill, then they won't run like mad.

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08 May 2007, 1:52 pm

Fire drills are okay except one time I was in PE and it was snowing outside. Well I was in gym shorts and a tee shirt and everything was fine until the fire bell rang. It was a fire drill and I had to go outside in my gym in the freezing cold and snow. It's funny now but I was not so happy at the time.

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08 May 2007, 6:55 pm

We do fire drills because it's the law. When there is a real fire, people would know what to do. My work never does it so I guess work places don't have to do it.


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08 May 2007, 7:15 pm

I scream at the top of my lungs and it's not very loud because of the drill :lol:
the only time I get to do that :mrgreen:

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09 May 2007, 1:57 pm

Yes. The noise never bothered me but lining up and the unepectedness of it did and they would make us line up in alphebital order by around 4th grade (would they do that in real fire?)

One time they took advantage of the fact we were outside and made us clean up the garbage. I just sat there and eventualy dropped a candy wrapper at the teacher's feet. They were smart not to push me.

But yes they are kinda stupid.


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09 May 2007, 5:46 pm

I don't mind fire drills. Although I think they should be more like "Get out of the building as fast as you can and meet up at X location!" rather then "calmly walk out of the building to X location"

At least I never had to see the absolute silliness of nuclear attack drills. Seriously if a nukes inbound, hiding under your desk doesn't increase your survival at all. Even if it somehow saves you from the shock wave you'll still get doused with many times the fatal does of radiation. Thus making you wish the shock wave killed you.


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12 May 2007, 10:21 am

likedcalico wrote:
We do fire drills because it's the law. When there is a real fire, people would know what to do. My work never does it so I guess work places don't have to do it.

To my knowledge, they only do fire drills in schools. At least where I live, that's the case.


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03 Jun 2007, 7:55 pm

Back before I had my hyperacusis treated, fire drills were nothing short of torture.

The school I currently go to has fire drills not once but twice a month, in any weather but rain. I repeat, twice.

Why?, you may wonder.

Well, because our old school... kinda... burned down. Yeah. Dead serious.