I'm actually aiming my main crossfire on either Stanford (I'm working towards their good side because I play water polo, and they take pride in their water polo team, so I could get a scholarship based on that, however, I also try my best to keep up grades, but I can't always get straight A's anymore) or Columbia (second best college for journalism, IMO). I'm aiming for those two because I want a degree in journalism, and those are the best colleges for that subject. Sure, Stanford's not Ivy League, but I don't need Ivy League, I need a journalism degree.
If those two don't work, then there's always one of the UCs (probably UC Berkley, I've heard good things), or I could just research on more journalism-centered colleges, such as Stanford.
However, by the time I get out of high school, I'm still going to be 17 when I get into college, so I've decided that before I go to college, I'm going to take a year off of life to go on a roadtrip around America for a year, kind of a soul discovery trip, if you will -- at least, that's what my therapist said.
When I get back from that trip, I'm going to college. None sooner.
I'm gonna come back, and immediately get my student loan taken out if I need it. Right now, though, even though I'm only a freshman, I've been researching several ways to get grants. There are a lot of writing competitons, the average prize for them being $5,000 grants, and that adds up to be a lot of money in conjunction with the student loan.
As you can see, someone's done his homework.