Yes, and it was a constant annoyance to both me and my parents.
Firstly there was only one primary school who would take me, between my inability to talk and what may have been either delayed learning or the general aspie child look no other school in the area would take me, they decided I was stupid and that was that. Being as my primary school was full of rejects anyway little notice was given to me and my problems, I remember a substitute teacher sending my parents and I to a meeting with the 'special teacher' who deemed me too damn smart for her to help, and that my problems were just that I was too stubborn for my own good. At around 7 years old my parents got divorced so my mother was free from my controlling father which meant she was a little more proactive in getting something done about me.
It wasn't until middle school that I got put into any sort of special ed classes - this was twice a week, with one other kid from my class, we did 2+2 and ABC sort of stuff that drove me mental as I didn't get why I was there. The teacher treat me like a total idiot, biggest memory is her insisting I held my fountain pen vertical despite my constantly pointing out to her that it wasn't supposed to be held that way as it'd break - I gave up and just started bringing pencils to class, then she'd have a go at me for that and try to make me use ball point which I found IMPOSSIBLE to write with...and thus she could use this as an example of my not being able to write *sigh*
This was about the same time the school also insisted I went to therapy - in all fairness not only was I VERY badly bullied, I did I not socialise, did not participate fully in class, barked like a dog most of the time and had meltdowns every hour - this annoyingly was when they suspected asperger's, they just didn't bother telling me or my mother about it so it's only now I'm getting diagnosis. I asked to come out of special ed classes the same time I asked to stop going to group therapy and one-to-one therapy, I couldn't cope with it and it just drove me mental having people treating me stupid when I knew I was a hell of a lot smarter than them!
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.