Emory University, majoring in neuroscience. And thanks to all the pre-reqs that major requires I'll probably end up graduating with a minor in psychology, possibly a second in biology (if that's allowed, I don't know), and if I wanted to I could just take an extra chemistry course and graduate with a third minor in chemistry as well.
Not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it yet. I'm leaning towards going for my Ph.D. and getting a job as a researcher at a university (probably the most aspie-friendly career out there). However, I'd also like to have a nice six figure income to show for 10 years of post-secondary schooling and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt I'll have accumulated so I'm also toying around with the idea of going to med school to become a neurologist or maybe a psychiatrist. However, I haven't been as on top of things as I should have been and as a result I'll probably need to take a year off on top of the extra year I'm already having to spend in college (this major is nothing but one enormous chain of pre-reqs, and as a result if you don't decide on doing it your first year of college you're going to need a fifth year), at least I will if I want to go to med school. The problem is that although I have 1.5 years of research experience none of it was very meaningful (no projects, no publications, no conferences, no useful techniques learned). Plus I need to really start cramming in some volunteer hours, and I really need to start cramming for the GRE or MCAT.