ParadoxalParadigm wrote:
Oh dear, when I was in high school, one of my teachers was the cheer leading coach, and an English teacher, and the creative writing teacher. I couldn't stand her because she always put me in situations in my creative writing class that would make me look socially inept. Example: So I knew the word 'pimp', but I didn't know the exact meaning (and okay, I was 15 at the time). She made us enact some roles in the class, and for me, knowing I wouldn't know what it meant fully, she chose the word 'pimp' and told me to act like one. It resulted in me looking like an utter idiot in front of my other classmates.
8th Grade
A popular substitute teacher was subbing our class, and we were taking a test. Most of the class was being rowdy, but I took my test and finished it. He became so aggravated with everyone that he took all of our tests away and said that we would all get a failing grade, at which point I told him that I completed my test and that was unfair to those of us who weren't being rowdy. He then proceeded to mock me IN FRONT of the class, to the point that it made me cry in anger. And at the point that I began to cry, he started mocking me even more. I became so angry with him that when we were all leaving the class and I passed him and he resumed mocking me again, I told him to shut up (words I had NEVER said to an adult before) and stormed past him. Of course, I'M the one that got in trouble for that...
In general, though, I had a safe relationship with the teacher staff--especially now as I am in college.
I'm very sorry my friend. I hate it when teachers pick on students. I don't know what thats like, but the idea makes me cringe. The football coach at my high school stuck up for weaker kids. As a result, so did a lot of the jocks. So I actually did okay with the athletic department. Mr. Lopez = best football coach ever.