One of my biggest interests today is stereos and electronics. Unfortunately, my weakness in this area is when I find out that somebody has a better stereo than me.
Grades 3-5, I was obsessed with clocks and how they worked. I hardly ever got teased for this.
Grade 6, I was not really interested in much of anything.
Grade 7, I became obsessed with the Titanic. I do not really remember getting teased for this much in school, but I do remember that my parents and sister kept trying to tame the amount of time I talked about ships and boats. In fact, my dad used to keep saying, "Enough of staterooms, enough of bulkheads, the boat sank, get over it." My classmates in school did not seem to mind much, though.
Grade 8-9, I became obsessed with video games, and talked about Mario quite often. Most of the kids in my grade said stuff like, "Mario stinks." Even one of my aspie friends said stuff like, "Wario's better than Mario."
Grade 10-11, I started to become obsessed with radios. Everyday, I would play with them and try hard to get them to pick up out-of-state stations. No one teased me for this one.