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24 Aug 2009, 5:10 pm

how do you guys succeed in school?

I'm doing half day at highschool. I get so nervous I can't focus on anything, and a combination of handwriting/executive functioning/no one helping me/anxiety is disastrous to homework-- I haven't completed one assignment yet. Today was my third day. I get lots of people asking me if I'm okay throughout the day, so I must appear badly... and I've already got people throwing things at me and commenting about things I do. School is simply a waiting game for me, waiting for the bell to ring so a whole new anxiety will come when I have to figure out when to leave. I'm allowed to leave early or later, so the halls aren't crowded, but kids always notice and bother me or the teacher about my leaving at abnormal times. All I can focus on is getting out of there and how nauseous I feel.

I have terrible time leaving the house. My mother has to deal with me screaming/crying over leaving. Once I get on the bus it's not a problem with that as much though. My bus only has one other kid on it usually. But the mornings are bad and I have to be up hours before and do things small steps at a time to get ready. And I still get upset over leaving. After the bus I have an hour before my first class, so I go the library. I'm always so anxious and it's hard to read there because I'm so afraid I'm going to get there too early or too late.

As of now I am refusing to go until something else is worked out. I simply can not do this.

Those are my major problems with school at the moment. How do all of you deal with this....?


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24 Aug 2009, 6:48 pm

I've just left high school this year and am starting college in September, not looking forward to it though.
School sounds pretty bad for you, I can't imagine that myself.
For me school was both good and bad. Let's get the bad points out the way first. Homework, I always forgot homework and did everything late because of excecutive dysfunctioning, because mine can be pretty bad. I was always getting reminded about things by teachers and I had the learning assistants pestering me constantly but I still got everything done late and I would embarrass myself infront of the class when I'm the only one who hasn't brought my coursework in and I'm stuttering like a div to the teacher like "oh, I, uh, didn't bring,again." The teachers treated me like a ret*d and even though I was OK they kept letting me off everything and asking if I wanted "help", I hated being patronised like that and wanted to do things on my own and learn things the hard way instead of getting let off. I am very naive and gullable and all the popular kids used to trick me on a regular basis and tell me wrong info about classroom changes for example and I'd be all confused and crap and be the last one in the class because I was being tricked again. Oh and my best friend's annoying learning assistant, he's an ASer (severe-ish, I'm mild btw) she used to patronise him to death and me. We got fed up with her and last year we told her how we felt but she didn't get the message and kept on following my friend around like a shadow, I remember once we skived a lesson in protest but that only made them patronise us more. Ahwell. And another bad thing, being one of the most unpopular, I was well known in my year for all the wrong reasons and inspired non bullies to pick on me. oh goody. And PE, that all I need to say, PE!

Now the good points! I am intelligent and the teachers liked me for it and I was a teachers pet in some lessons, especially science and art. I generally got on with staff and didn't get in much trouble.
Oh yeah and my friends, if it weren't for my best friends I would hate school. I looked forward to luch and break times because I could see them, I didn't have lots of friends, only a small group but they were enough for me. I hung around with younger people mostly and went to homework club, didn't do homework though lol. Quite a few of the aspies hung around there and I was mates with some, I felt comfortable with that group. It was also where the learning assistants worked and I felt safe in there and comfortable and spent all my breaks and lunches in there.

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Coincidence on 34th street.