GuyTypingOnComputer wrote:
Shebakoby wrote:
to me it never has, because it means people do not pass or fail based on their own abilities, which I think is just wrong.
Even with a curve, you are still passing or failing based on your own abilities. Is see little difference between:
(A) a teacher (i) developing a test (ii) in which students are likely to score an appropriate range of As, Bs, Cs, Ds and Fs and (iii) then giving the students that test; and
(B) a teacher (i) developing a test, (iii) giving the students that test, and then (ii) fitting the actual test scores to fit a range of As, Bs, Cs, Ds and Fs.
It's just a different order of mapping the test scores to letter grades.
Oh, ok.
So there is a grading formula that changes from correct answers to most
likely average results, so if the average correct answers is 50%, instead of F,
it would be C. There may be a justified use for this, if the teacher is teaching
more important stuff that isn't on the test,
but not if it is done so the teacher
can cheat by not teaching and then passing a class full of flunkers.
It would be worse to give everyone different tests and grading thresholds.
I misunderstood grading on a curve as grading each individual differently.