Apera wrote:
Well I get along well with one of my teachers, and we talk about things all the time. But if it's something I don't know, I just try not to make eye contact.
I had one teacher that was a blatant fool. Most of his students knew more about what he taught than he did. He didn't know what several acronyms were, but my friend had been in a Cisco networking class and knew them by heart. He tried to convince the class that fiber optics is faster than cables because photons move faster than electrons, While this is true, it is not the reason - fiber optics cables can carry a nearly infinite number of different frequencies simultaneously, whereas copper wires can mainly just have one signal each. When I tried to explained this to him, he just got all bitchy.
Most of all, when he had us first go on the computers to do these dumb lab things, he gave us a sheet of paper with the folder location of the program. We navigated to the program and ran it, so it could start by teaching us how to use a mouse and keyboard.
I have another lab teacher that essentially just berates you if you ask a question about the vague or incorrect labs. I understand why someone with that knowledge would not want to teach it to a large number of students on a regular basis - I am the same way. But then, why did he go into teaching?
So basically, just be thankful that you are allowed to ask questions.
Actually, copper can carry multiple simultaneous signals. Your cat-5 UTP is basically 4 100 ohm balanced feedlines in one jacket. As far as multiple simultaneous signals on one wire, that's exactly how television, especially cable television, works. Now, copper has more variable attenuation at different wavelengths than fiber does for light....