I've never seen literature as a pre-req, however I've seen English comp and speech...things like that. Physics as a pre-req doesn't make any more sense as a pre-req than literature does, IMO. I sat in on a physics class today and I remember thinking to myself, "how could I ever apply this to vet school?" (I'm not sure if I'll go, but I've thought about it.) I would guess that it's a general education/core requirement and not a vet school requirement. Either way, it isn't going to hurt anything,. You do some writing and some thinking. Grad programs love well-rounded individuals...I was looking at stats for the undergrads who entered Tufts vet school...each year there was a ton of Bio majors, a significant number that double majored in Bio and something else, a fair number of Psych majors, and there was always something weird like a Flute major
If I do decide to go pre-vet, I'll be glad for classes like literature. Even though I love science, I'd get tired of studying just science all the time.