jc6chan wrote:
Haha! Notetaking? All my classes have lecture slide in pdf posted online.
There's your problem. Sorry to tell you this, kiddo, but you absolutely need to take notes -- preferably hand-written notes -- in college-level lectures. Yes, even if you didn't have to take notes in high school. Yes, even if the slides are available to read online.
Why? Because when you process information in multiple ways, you retain it in multiple ways. That's why you may forget something you hear said, but have a better chance of retaining it if you hear it and repeat it back. The more ways you record and process new information, the more likely you are to fully process the information and retain it. Reading over the slides later is absolutely no substitute. Taking notes on computer is better than not taking notes at all, but hand-writing the notes gets your body involved in the process as well.
Get as many kinds of processing involved as possible: go to lectures, listen and ask questions about what you hear; take notes -- not everything your professor says will be in the online slides and you could miss vital information or an explanation that only happens because someone asked a question; read the reading assignments and the online notes as well as your own notes -- there may be things in the reading assignments that the professor doesn't cover in lecture but still expects you to be responsible for learning from the reading assignments; when you're studying, re-write the notes with annotations from the readings; recite the notes out loud -- use that aspie tendency to talk to yourself to your advantage.
Finally, hit the tutoring office and learn effective study skills, because you will not survive college without them.