Aspie1 wrote:
At one point during the school career, some people here may have caught on that getting good grades or even simply being smart is "uncool." When you found out, did you ever deliberately underachieve in order to seem cooler, or to fit in better with your lower-achieving NT peers? Did it work? Did it at least reduce the number of times you got hit up for answers? Post your replies.
I've done that, but it wasn't an easy task. Since my parents were extremely strict about grades, the trick was to get a bad grade here or there , yet come out without C's on the report card. Sometimes I succeeded in doing that; sometimes I didn't Supposedly, by getting bad grades like "everyone else," I hoped to fit in better. Oh, was I wrong! It hurt my GPA a little (and got me punishments for bad grades), yet I was still without friends outside of school.
Yeah. I was a classic "underachiever." As is my kid. Same reason. Being an "einsteinian" gets old, fast.