Is it typical for Asperger's kids to have extreme difficulty focusing in the
classroom? My son passes tests,but cannot complete classwork,the
teachers say they have to get him back on task every 5 minutes,because
he will be staring off into space or at other children,his hands,anything but
his work. It has been this way since kindergarten,he is now in 5th grade
for the 2nd time. They thought it best,because of his issues and inability
to focus,immaturity the call it. He has been on every medication,they do
not work,just gave him tics in addition to his not being able to focus in the
classroom setting. It is almost like everything around him is distracting,even
the smallest things. I am at a loss how else to help him at school. It really
makes him stand out,so he can never seem to make or keep friends. Will
this get better with age?