Problems writing descriptive essays?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Sep 2010, 8:06 am

So I am a college freshman. I am taking a required freshman english/writing course. One of our assignments is to write a 3-page essay about our face. I literally just spent the last 6 hours coming up with what I have, only to discover that it is only a little over 1 page. At this point I am thinking about just skipping class today.

And I'm not a bad writer. When it comes to a topic I am interested in, I can write a really good essay. But what kind of topic is "your face"? I don't think about that kind of stuff. I mean, what am I comparing it to? And one of the instructions is to get rid of unnecessary words and keep it precise and concise. Yet it has to be 3 pages?

I'm not sure what it is, but this is why I dread essays. I get nervous thinking about people reading them (I mean, I'm even nervous about posting this.) I over-think things and overstress. I know it is a common AS trait to have trouble putting things into words, as well.

Does anyone else have this problem when it comes to writing essays? And if so, any advice?


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24 Sep 2010, 10:21 am

3 pages about "your face"?! No wonder you're having trouble.

Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!

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24 Sep 2010, 1:13 pm

I am great with essays -- I can almost write them in my sleep. (Actually, I have written a few essays in my sleep -- went to bed, dreamed the essay, woke up and wrote it down.) BUT . . .

I would really be suffering if someone told me I had to write a three page essay about my face. That's a HORRIBLE topic! I feel for you!

Here's hoping your professor comes up with much better writing topics in the future.

(I hated my required English classes. The assignments were so divorced from any semblance of reality.)

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24 Sep 2010, 5:25 pm

1- don't skip class. It can get to be habit-forming, and if you skip it for anxiety, the next class period you will likely be anxious about skipping the last one, so you skip that one too.....

2- There's no way I could write 3 pages about my face. Although I could probably write 3 pages about why that's a dumb essay topic...

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24 Sep 2010, 6:18 pm

Write one page on your eyes, one page on your nose and your mouth, and spend the last page describing whatever emotions your face exudes?

Does anyone else have this problem when it comes to writing essays? And if so, any advice?

Yes, just BS your way through it all.


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24 Sep 2010, 9:13 pm

Ancalagon wrote:
1- don't skip class. It can get to be habit-forming, and if you skip it for anxiety, the next class period you will likely be anxious about skipping the last one, so you skip that one too.....

No kidding! I skipped a couple of classes and then my professor sent me an e-mail about it so I ended up skipping again today because I felt so creepy about the e-mail. *sigh*

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