From my experience, procrastination can make you even more stressed. What you might try is to at least do all of the assigned work right after class, while your mind is still at it. I've found that it's much easier to bring myself to do the work that way. Plus, later on, I somehow find it much easier to bring myself to do the work for that particular class. Everything just becomes clearer in my head since I've had more time to think about it and to work through it mentally.
I have a much more unmanageable problem lately: sleep. I hyperfocus on my work for hours, which really gets me thinking about whatever I am studying. However, once I stop studying, my mind still keeps going. So as a result, I usually cannot go to sleep until 3 AM lately. Since my earliest class is at 10:30 AM, I have to get up early, and then I feel half-sleepy in class which really keeps me from being able to participate in class to my full potential. Then, I come home, and I crash, sometimes sleeping for 3 or 4 hours.
Maybe I should make a note not to schedule my classes so early anymore. But then I worry that I will just become a nighthawk, which is not good either, because I will be awake at the time when all of the shops and the restaurants are closed. So I will be starving and will be unable to buy anything I might need.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.