Chronos wrote:
If I can tell you 864/12 off the top of my head, that doesn't mean I memorized it. Perhaps I memorized it or perhaps my brain is just very good at computing it.
I think in the case of pi and Daniel Tammet, his brain is actually computing it and relaying the information to him in the form of synaesthesia and he is reading off what he is "seeing".
I have his book, Embracing the Wide Sky, and I've just looked up how he managed to do it. Here it is, in his own words:
Daniel Tammet (p. 57) wrote:
When I recited the mathematical constant Pi (3.121...) from memory to 22,514 decimal places in March 2004, it seemed like magic to many people. In fact, the achievement (a European record) was the result of weeks of disciplined study aided by the unusual way in which my mind perceives numbers, as complex, multidimensional, colored, and textured shapes. Using these shapes, I was able to visualize and remember the digits of Pi in my mind's eye as a rolling numerical panorama, the beauty of which both fascinated and enchanted me.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.