Immense Exam Difficulity
Today I sat my science examination. I am usually quite good at science, specificallly Astronomy and Physics. Well, today in the classroom in which I sat my examination, we were given the examination (my class) and the entire class began at the same time. The test was not extremely difficult at all, in fact it was simpler than anticipated. However, I am a perfectionist, and all of my answers needed to be of top quality, so of course, this is time consuming. I am so involved in my work that when I look up next, there is only 15 minutes left, and I had only just completed 50% of my examination. The fear I felt was overwhelming. I may be good at science, but not good enough to achieve 50% when only 50% of the paper had been completed!! ! So, I hastily attempted to complete the remainder of the paper, aware of the fact that the rest of the class were now reading novels as they had finished (Yes, I was the only person still working on the examination).
So, I completed about 70% of the paper, only about 40% to my satisfaction, and I am fretting that I will only get 40% of the questions correct, in which case I failed the examination, and this is the end of year examination, so it is of vital importance. I am really, really concerned.
I wish to know if any other sufferers of AS face the same dilemma. Kindly post below.
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
Planning is a very difficult art. You should read all the questions before starting to respond to the first one, you need to have an idea of what you are going to respond (write some keywords if you want during that process)
Everybody finished earlier than you, it means that you did not directly responded to the questions. Knowing the right amount of response is also part of the exercise, you have to put what is sufficient only.
Are you doing your homework? It is quite efficient for getting used to make the shortest and most accurate answers, because at home you want to do something else after your homework.
I came, I saw, I conquered, now I want to leave
Forgetting to visit the chat is a capital Aspie sin:
Everybody finished earlier than you, it means that you did not directly responded to the questions. Knowing the right amount of response is also part of the exercise, you have to put what is sufficient only.
Are you doing your homework? It is quite efficient for getting used to make the shortest and most accurate answers, because at home you want to do something else after your homework.
I am seldom given homework in Science. My I did read through the entire paper before answering, and I decided that I knew the answer to 85% of the questions at that time. However, I feel that my answers were too elaborate. Providing I pass, I shan't be bothered about this at all.
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
No, at least you rose the good questions. It happened to me too and I corrected this problem easily
I came, I saw, I conquered, now I want to leave
Forgetting to visit the chat is a capital Aspie sin: