anyone use drugs to try to be like the rest of the idiots

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Nov 2010, 9:45 am

Ever try drugs to make your brain as dumb as everyone else? Don't think I'm freakin dumb ass. I was sick of my lack of social skills and feeling very alone all the time. In the process of trying to figure out why I was so different someone was apparently "acting like me". I realized in they were making fun of my intelligence. I decided at that moment I would completely fry my brain with drugs so i could be an equally happy ignoramus as the rest of them..... It worked for a while but it took a lot of acid and the biggest reason I was accepted was because I could hardly say a word due to the "lock jaw" from the rat poison used in creating acid. And honestly I wasn't happy, I once again was different in yet another way :oops:


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04 Nov 2010, 10:01 am

There was a episode of House, where a briliant math student decided to make himself stupid with drugs to be happy with regular people because he couldn't do that without it...

Hmm,, never did that

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04 Nov 2010, 10:09 am

Without actually thinking of other people as "stupid" or whatever, coming "down" to their level certainly did used to be one of my reasons for drinking.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
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04 Nov 2010, 10:18 am

I had a really tough week in College, I went round my friend's house (I've known him for years, I forgot how to make friends with new people now) I got drunk from some cider (only from 1 can!) and smoked some weed :D It was good to forgot and unwind, but when I went home I was very, very depressed and just wanted to die. Whether it was the weed or cider or just me, I do not know :?


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04 Nov 2010, 11:02 am

The painful experience of always having to come on back into reality was one of the motivators that finally drove me elsewhere for relief ... but yes, some of that was just a bit of withdrawal pain.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.

Emu Egg
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04 Nov 2010, 11:19 am

Please don't get the impression that i'm saying people are the cause of my drug use, the blame for that lies in me and my dumb choice. I want to make perfectly clear it doesn't work , in any combination and is quite regretable.


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04 Nov 2010, 11:26 am

lisacmeier wrote:
... the blame for [my drug use] lies in me and my dumb choice.

Not really. Our need for social interactions is inherent and quite normal, and so are our efforts to somehow feel okay ... and wisdom is gained when our choices made ultimately prove insufficient.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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04 Nov 2010, 12:35 pm

OP, you're stupid.

Snowy Owl
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04 Nov 2010, 11:20 pm

I did for a period of time for mostly the same reasons. I just wanted to connect with someone...was tired of always being on the outside. It worked to some degree...I was "included", but it literally would make me mute. There were times I could not even say a word. Scary stuff.


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07 Nov 2010, 4:24 pm

No, I never had... mostly because I'm completely complacent with being a dork.


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07 Nov 2010, 5:54 pm

I smoked a lot of dope at school, it made things somewhat endurable. I can't really recommend it.

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10 Nov 2010, 10:27 am

No, I take them to explore altered states of perception and consciousness. I take an active, intellectual interest in drugs. I've been known as an "encyclopedia of drugs". Drugs is my #2 interest second only to social science and there's even a bridge there. Drugs reveal things about the human psyche, which is the basic unit of consciousness within a society. In a way my interest in drugs is as a tool to supplement my understanding of my primary interest, but also just because I find them fascinating and cool. Another way it links is that in our time drugs have become very politicized.

I find the kinds of insights from drugs can at times be very valueable. And sometimes it is good to just take the edge off. I actually use less than most of my friends and tend to be very calculating in how I take them to avoid problems.

BTW, "rat poison"? Acid does not contain rat poison. Acid (LSD) is synthesized from Ergot Fungus, and while LSD will fit on the blotter paper it is difficult to fit any significant amount of strychnine or other substance on there, because the dose of LSD is measured in micrograms while most substances are not active at that small an amount. Furthermore, drug dealers would have no incentive to lace the blotter paper with strychnine. That would only cost extra money in buying the strychnine and would not cause any kind of improvement to the effects of the LSD that could be used to justify increasing the price. The only kind of substances LSD would get cut with are other psychoactive substances, such as Bromo-Dragonfly. Strychnine is poisonous but it doesn't get you high.

The problem is with very flimsy evidence media outlets and the government feel free to report as fact even the most unlikely speculations about drugs, and then when this is debunked it is recorded and it is discoverable but the media doesn't cover it and you have to actually be interested enough in the subject of drugs in order to research it.

Sea Gull
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10 Nov 2010, 8:24 pm

No. Why would I want to be like the rest of the idiots? It's far more fun to mock their idioticy.

Sea Gull
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12 Nov 2010, 9:04 pm

lisacmeier wrote:
Ever try drugs to make your brain as dumb as everyone else? Don't think I'm freakin dumb ass. I was sick of my lack of social skills and feeling very alone all the time. In the process of trying to figure out why I was so different someone was apparently "acting like me". I realized in they were making fun of my intelligence. I decided at that moment I would completely fry my brain with drugs so i could be an equally happy ignoramus as the rest of them..... It worked for a while but it took a lot of acid and the biggest reason I was accepted was because I could hardly say a word due to the "lock jaw" from the rat poison used in creating acid. And honestly I wasn't happy, I once again was different in yet another way :oops:

snorted a lot of coke my first year of college for several reasons:
1. something to do socially w. my other friends who were just as awkward as i am :) gives me antsy pants and makes me want to dance. unfortunately it became the basis of our relationship and we found ourselves broke, scrawny and strung out with nothing to talk about.
2. focus. sometimes i would cut myself a few fat lines and stay up studying, with frequent study breaks to the bathroom to powder my nose. this worked for awhile. i alternated between coke and adderall from my ADHD boyfriend. at the time.
3. helped me stay awake when I worked from 4am-12pm and had class from 1pm-8pm.

After that I became a daily stoner for the relaxation and the brain-numbing effect. my mind still races a million miles a minute while I'm stoned, but I don't care nearly as much that I'm mentally over-compensating for everything, and I rather enjoy my mental journeys. I have difficulty speaking now when I am high. I'm not sure if I was always this way and have only just recently noticed it or whether it is a recent development. I have lately stopped smoking weed.

Ate acid a few times to explore opening my consciousness to new ways of looking at the world. That was fun. Also become mute on acid. Have eaten mushrooms more times than I can count. Loved it the first few times, after that I got more and more anxious and wanted to be isolated from everyone. I have trouble with empathy; either I do not express what I'm feeling (I will not say what I notice or make trippy observations while tripping unless someone else does) or I feel embarrassed because someone will point something out that I have been thinking but had not said and then I will have nothing to say.

Psychedelics make me realize the circular nature of conversation but I am still not much of a contributor to the upswing of the cycle. I become much more aware of the way that the words I use are bringing dark emotions or feelings into reality, and then I feel very ashamed of myself for being a downer.

I cannot say I did any of this to make me 'as dumb as everyone else.' I would say the people I have taken psychedelic drugs with were, on the whole, much more positive, uplifting and astute, observant people than I am myself. I lose myself in their worlds and their observations, and if I'm going to admit it, mostly I am just jealous.

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Nov 2010, 12:11 pm

I did drugs for myself. It's impossible to be somebody else. I liked them, but I can't recommend them as a coping strategy, rather, I recommend them as a medium for exploration and enrichment.


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15 Nov 2010, 9:35 pm

I smoke weed whenever I can get hold of any, but never for the sake of "dumbing myself down", I usually smoke for relaxation, contemplation and creativity, but with fellow smokers, it's simply for a fun evening with a few games and an abundant amount of munchies...

So far, i've gotten most of my best ideas while stoned, you could say it works as a lubricant on my brain, easing thought and removing chaos.

And at last, I smoke because I LIKE it. A joint or a glass of wine makes a hard day perfect :)