Yeah, I just think it's unnecessarily restrictive. Should I go into a social field like law or business just because I'm an NT?
Sandbox wrote:
what about economics?
I'm taking an economics course as a social science elective, but the major (let alone the class) isn't terribly demanding of math (only requiring one semester of calculus) at the undergraduate level. Most of it is basic algebraic formulas for things like elasticity, and some functions for finding utility maximization from what I've done so far. The tough part is memorizing all the terms, the math is a breeze for anyone with a rudimentary understanding of algebra (though my professor said that economics is calculus based at the graduate level).
I read that one end of economics runs off into theory and philosophy, where the other end is grounded in application and business. I really enjoyed the course in the beginning when it was more theoretical, but I find myself becoming rather bored now that the focus has turned to firms and business (I'm a science major, I'm not supposed to have any business sense
). Of course, if your more business-minded, it would be right up your ally, but I'm curious to why you wouldn't simply major in mathematics if that's your favorite subject. To me pure mathematics seems like it would be more fun, but there's a lot of business opportunities for an applied mathematics major. Engineering or Computer Science would also be a good choices if you wanted to witness your mathematical skills in a real, applied manner and like learning how things work (though applied mathematics and computer science have a significant overlap).