leejosepho wrote:
ryan93 wrote:
No-one gets to abuse the second law of thermodynamics ...
Would you might giving an example or two? I went and looked that up, but all of that is "Greek" to me.
In laymans terms, The second law means that the amount of usable energy in a closed system should decrease over time. Concentrated, useful energy gets converted to diffuse useless heat energy.
So, many Religious apologists and New Agers (I'm less familiar with the latters claims) say that this means that surely life on earth couldn't go for a simplicity, to complexity, because thermodynamics demands that the reverse happens; vases break, but do not reassemble.
The problem is, they are ignoring that big nuclear reactor hovering in the sky above us. The sun gives us a huge amount of useful, concentrated energy, which organisms can use directly to turn simple material into complex sugar (photosynthesis).
While it might appear that all this "free energy" is cheating the second law, the sun actually becomes a lot more "random" in its reactions; it increases the entropy of the Universe overall. We cannot simply look at the Entropy on earth, because we get a lot of energy from the stars; we are not a closed system. We have to look at the Universe as a whole, and the Universes entropy is increasing. For every highly organised little pocket like earth, we have a billion stars burning out.
The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger
Member of the WP Strident Atheists