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25 Nov 2017, 2:41 pm

Did any of your teachers ever gush over the popular kids in your school and show favoritism towards them? Where any of your teachers clueless about how nasty many of the popular students really were to other people?


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25 Nov 2017, 3:07 pm

Never, really. All my teachers seemed pretty clued in about those things.

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25 Nov 2017, 9:13 pm

Nope, most of my teachers prefer the nonpopular, well behaved kids as opposed to popular ones because they are rude and act up in class. I like this because then I am liked by some of my teachers :D . None of my teachers are really clueless about who is popular and who is not either. My mom had issues with teachers like that though.

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25 Nov 2017, 9:20 pm

No, I never really noticed much favouritism by my teachers.


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25 Nov 2017, 10:46 pm

The most popular students in my school was the football players, and the sad part is the school itself made no attempts whatsoever to hide the favoritism!

If you were a football player you were pretty much king of the school. You could skip class and get away with it, you could talk in class and not be sent out, You could sit in class and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and still pass!

The people that did their work pretty much got nothing to show for it. I was quiet and did my work but was largely ignored just like many that also did their work. Sometimes the football players were rewarded for doing their work when they should have been doing it in the first place!

Unless you were a football player my school pretty much set you up to fail in life.

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26 Nov 2017, 4:22 am

Sometimes, especially with the kids who behaved in front of the teachers. Even if they were absolutely horrible to other kids it didn't matter as long as no one was able to bring forward any concrete evidence against them. Word of an unpopular student didn't usually count as evidence... well, there was one exception. There was this one time when popular students tried to put a blame on me for certain rule breaking, but the teacher didn't believe them because of my reputation of always following every rule and always ratting out those who didn't. Ironically, that was one of the two times I actually did break the rules on purpose (along with one other person. It was nothing serious; no one got hurt or nothing broke. We just took a shortcut on our way back from gym class that we weren't allowed to use) and lied in order to not get caught. The other person first covered for me despite the fact that others said that I was with her, but the teacher believed me. In the next class the other students had talked my friend in to ratting me out, but by then it was too late, the teacher didn't believe them anymore and thought they were trying to bully me. That was the second and last time I broke school rules on purpose. Oh, and the first time was me taking that same short cut with the same friend and some boys yet not getting caught or ratted out.


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27 Nov 2017, 2:19 am

I've noticed that at some of my skewls. The popular kids would bane together to get the nonpopular in trouble so the teachers thought that the nonpopular were the problem kids.

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03 Dec 2017, 7:26 am

At my school, the staff were more lenient about uniform policies with the popular kids. Then again:
a) a lot of the popular girls have blossoming modelling and/or acting careers, so some male teachers might see them as carrying the 'short skirt' look well.
b) they suck up to teachers - act extremely friendly to them, even chat them up etc. The teachers may know how much of a lot of divas they actually are but don't want to get on their bad side.
c) they seemingly have rich mums and dads who can pay their way out of trouble

Similarly, the very smart students do no wrong in teacher's eyes so are always picked for leadership roles regardless of their actual ability to carry on such role.

A lot of the older teachers seemed to have seen through the guise though.

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04 Dec 2017, 10:04 pm

The popular kids are often such sh!t's....but the teachers love to live vicariously through them and pretend they are back in high school.