One which would ask you a set of questions, and then list of bunch of potential jobs based on your answers. I had to take a bunch of them in school, but I mainly only remember one set of results. Except another that included comments of my personality (I think I scored ninety five percent neurotic, oh dear
). Presumably based on the non-technical use of the word:
(in non-technical use) abnormally sensitive, obsessive, or anxious.
"a neurotic, self-obsessed character"
synonyms: overanxious, anxious, nervous, tense, highly strung, jumpy, oversensitive, paranoid; obsessive, compulsive, phobic, fixated, hysterical, overwrought, manic, irrational; nervy; informal twitchy; informal stressy
"a neurotic, self-obsessed control freak"
Anyway, my top results were:
Fun fact: I did consider briefly consider this route at one point. However, I was discouraged from doing so. The people in my life didn't think that psychology would be a good fit for me. Remarking that I am "too introverted, lack the sensitivity required, not patient enough, too straightforward and blunt", in addition with "being better suited to work more with services, animals and/or objects instead of people". I once put down psychology for a college taster day (where we'd see what college is like in the subject of our choice). However, my art teacher intercepted, he tracked me down and told me that I "clearly hadn't thought my choices through properly". Then he asked me to pick a different subject, so I picked IT instead.
Sounds like a joke, doesn't it?
I wanted to be a psychologist, but I'm bad with people so I joined IT.
-Music Teacher (High School).
Considering that I can't play a musical instrument or read sheet music, this seems a poor career choice for me.
- Historic Artifact & Building Restoration Cleaner. (Not sure what I picked that matched me with this).
- IT specialist and help-desk employee.
Certainly a strange combination. I'm hoping to get a job in the digital media industry. Perhaps a web designer and/or developer, video editor, graphic designer, or sound engineer. Not fully sure yet.
Support human artists!
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.