magic wrote:
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you! There is only one thing that I don't understand: how could anyone assume such negative things about you that you mentioned? It's just incomprehensible.
These were all the people who didn't hold out hope for me when I was in my K-12 education becasue I was the "odd man out".
By the way, what is the "college of letters and science"?
It's really not a "college" per say... The "college of letters and science" is a fancy name of calling all the degree-specific classes in arts and science degree programs. In order to take these classes, you need a minimum GPA, usually 2.5, some are 3.0. My degree program is 2.5.
Melvis wrote:
I'm insulted Scoots- store bought cake indeed!! !! I make a gorgeous chocolate myself without any of that store bought crap.
I'll take you up on the offer sometime.
And thanks again for your comments.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...