Am I the only one here who actually likes high school?

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26 Mar 2011, 7:46 pm

Because I really do. I take advanced classes (the IB Program, if that means anything to anyone) and my classmates are people who I can relate to much better than most. When we go to classes we are there to learn and everyone is fairly driven. And since we've all been in the same classes as each other for 3 years we are a very close group. Basically the IB Program has forced me to make friends.

That's not to say that high school is perfect. There is a lot of work in my classes, which causes lots of stress. And I'm still aware of the fact that I'm very different from everyone else and can't socialize as easily as most people would. But at the same time I feel as though I'm around people who accept me for being different and wouldn't want me to be any other way. So I'm going to be very sad about graduating this June.


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26 Mar 2011, 8:08 pm

I like it. Sure, my peers don't love me, but they hate me either. Some like me quite a bit to be honest, there is also this one girl that hates me. What can I see though? Not everyone is going to be your best friend, very few people, if any, get along with everyone they meet. Most of my peers are neutral about me. The adults on the other hand, seem to really like.

Yeah, some of classes are really hard. We have a lot of tests in social studies and I don't like doing tests.


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26 Mar 2011, 9:15 pm

I liked it a lot. I was in a lot of clubs and made good grades and stuff. I was a "big fish in a small pond".
Then I graduated, and now I'm nobody. :cry:

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26 Mar 2011, 9:20 pm

I hated it freshman and sophomore year, but last semester was by far the best of any I've ever had. I had the best teacher of all time for 3 hours a day, I got along alright with the majority of the older students, and it was relatively stress free, I could actually enjoy learning. This semester isn't anywhere near as fun because I have to take boring classes. I could do early graduation next year and just get it over with, but after last semester I don't want to do that. I've been thinking, while I want to get it over with, the high stress environment of college isn't something I want to go into, and there's no way in hell I'm going to get a job at minimum wage, even if I could. A lot of things about school do suck, but going out into the real world isn't something that will suck any less.


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26 Mar 2011, 9:23 pm

I couldn't stomach the fact I had no freedom back then. Even if it was brilliant in every other respect, I'm sure I would have hated it for that.
It wasn't brilliant in every other respect, btw...

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26 Mar 2011, 9:55 pm

My very unusual and freaky friends made high school life much more bearable. I met them all in grade 10. They were awesome! I did have my share of run ins with bullies but I even stood up to some in my senior year. Overall, it was a great experience once I found a group to hang with. Glad u like it too!