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20 Apr 2011, 10:19 am

In high school, even though I was a nerdy Aspie, I got along very well with the jocks, troublemakers, and other cliques of popular kids. It was the nerds who gave me the most trouble, as I found them to be insecure, lying about their accomplishments and trying to put me down after everything I said. Even in college, this is still somewhat true for me.

Anyone else experience this? Or is it just me?


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20 Apr 2011, 10:39 am

Yeah, nerds do that these days. I don't think it was always that way, but with the rise of the nerd culture, nerds seem to think they have replaced the jocks. But since they know deep down that they will never be as cool as the jocks, they make up stories about how many women they have treated well, because after all, if they said how many women they have been with, not only would they have to know something about having sex, but they would be just like their mortal enemy, and the last thing they want to be is the jock. Leave it to hipster nerds to pretend to hate something they actually want.

In high school, it was usually the nerds that disliked me more than any other group. I think this is because I was cooler than they were, and I was smarter, so that jealousy that they would NEVER EVER admit to themselves meant that they would give me a load of crap. They saw me involved with the basketball team while still getting good grades, and they hated me for it. I suppose they figured since I wasn't a ladies man, they must have been better than me.


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20 Apr 2011, 11:19 am

Nerds often think they're smarter than everyone else. They will try to top stuff you say a lot of the time.


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20 Apr 2011, 12:17 pm

Venger wrote:
Nerds often think they're smarter than everyone else. They will try to top stuff you say a lot of the time.

True that. There are the nerds that just have to be right, and disagree with everything someone else tries to tell them. :x

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20 Apr 2011, 12:23 pm

In my high school people were very cliquish. I have been told I was the only one who could move freely from group to group. Of course I hid my Greek, Latin and German dictionaries in my locker. Also Business Week, Psychology Today and the Economist magazines. I worked hard to look sort of normal. Of course maybe when a group rejected me at first I didn't notice and they just finally accepted me. 8)


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20 Apr 2011, 12:37 pm

Simonono wrote:
Venger wrote:
Nerds often think they're smarter than everyone else. They will try to top stuff you say a lot of the time.

True that. There are the nerds that just have to be right, and disagree with everything someone else tries to tell them. :x

Yeah they be argumentative cause they think they're intelligence is too superior to say the same thing as other people.


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20 Apr 2011, 8:35 pm

My experience has been a little different. I find the group I hang out with to be quite accepting. However, we aren't exactly stereotypical nerds. We do make math jokes and stuff like that, but we are also on sports teams (although we aren't exactly jocks, and often the sports are the overlooked ones like swimming), have parts in the school musical, and other involved stuff like that. (Please note, however, that although I am part of those activities I do not feel comfortable with a lot of the people in them--I much prefer the sciencey, mathy, geeky people in my classes). We do compete with each other, but it's never nasty. When we are rude to each other it's just because we're stressed and we know not to take it personally.


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23 Apr 2011, 8:13 am

you can't stereotype an entire group of people. nerds arn't up themselves not all jocks are popular. the people in my class were not at all like this. the groups were not so clear cut as well. nerds were jocks, athletes were nerds, nerds hung out with athletes and athletes with nerds and there was much intermingling of friendship groups. for example there was this kid in my class who was know for being super intellegent, computer literate and a machine on the track. there was also this girl who was unbelievably nerdy and was renowned for it across the entire school. she was popular for being a lovely person who would help others with their work. she was also known for being fashionable. is it an american thing to have the groups so segregated as they are on television?


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23 Apr 2011, 1:54 pm

VMSmith wrote:
you can't stereotype an entire group of people. nerds arn't up themselves not all jocks are popular. the people in my class were not at all like this. the groups were not so clear cut as well. nerds were jocks, athletes were nerds, nerds hung out with athletes and athletes with nerds and there was much intermingling of friendship groups. for example there was this kid in my class who was know for being super intellegent, computer literate and a machine on the track. there was also this girl who was unbelievably nerdy and was renowned for it across the entire school. she was popular for being a lovely person who would help others with their work. she was also known for being fashionable. is it an american thing to have the groups so segregated as they are on television?

It was like that when I was in secondary school too, but apparently the division in social castes we see in US shows about high schools is true, as much it can seem sureal for peoples like us not from USA.

Down with speculators!! !


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24 Apr 2011, 1:13 pm

Yeah, my school which is just in Canada, isn't nearly so cliquey as TV makes high school seem. I mean, there are groups of friends, but they usually intermix fairly well--it's a spectrum of people, they're not segregated. I'm kind of an exception in that, but that's because of my AS. Also, there is a group of us who take advanced (IB) classes and therefore spend most of our time together. For new students it can be kind of hard to integrate into a group that's known each other for 3 years like that (although it is possible).


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24 Apr 2011, 1:51 pm

We don't exactly have a nerd clique in our college. I'm mostly alone, even in a Science degree :lol:

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07 May 2011, 6:04 am

I agree. I get on well with the "popular" people in my class, mainly just by humoring them and not telling them what I really think of them, but normally I keep out of their way. Other "nerds" can be quite backstabbing: lying about how much revision they've done, trying to wheedle knowledge out of me....but most of my nerdy friends are quite nice. :)


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07 May 2011, 5:09 pm

I'm a nerd but i don't think I'm smarter than everybody else.
I live in Denmark and here it's nothing like that.

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