Praxis, it’s not just a Klingon moon anymore!

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09 Jun 2011, 8:37 am

Okay, so I’m thinking of switching to a major in technology education. A requirement for admission to the college of education is passing the Praxis I (reading, math, writing). I’ve been assured that the test is a cakewalk, but after doing a small bit of research, I’ve discovered it’s also TIMED.

I despise timed tests… I have no doubt I can handle the subject matter of the test. I’m not sure I can handle it in the time allotted.

My question for anyone familiar with the test, is it hard? And, is the amount of time allotted adequate for a “slow” tester?

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09 Jun 2011, 9:14 am


It's also a D.I.Y. store :lol:


Ok, enough silliness. No experience with the test here.

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10 Jun 2011, 10:37 am

Nice bit of trivia... helpful, not so much. :P

Come on people! I know someone here must have experience with the Praxis...

No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus