libraryseraph wrote:
I'm currently in high school, and I'm okay at the work, but I have real difficulty with the social interaction. I find it hard to understand my peers, I only really respond to teachers with a very specific teaching style, and I feel lonely almost every day. I was wondering if other Aspies out there have found university a little more enjoyable than high school.
In my experience here's what you can expect:
When you graduate HS and enter university things will not change that much. In fact it might be harder to interact socially since you do not see the same people all the time...each semester, each class will have completely different people. You also only spend just a day or two (depending on course) per week in each class...each class being anywhere between 1 to 2 hours. Most coursework is individual with maybe one or two group projects.
However, once you complete all the basic required classes and hop on to the classes that your degree requires... things change dramatically. Its a huge difference to suddenly be in a class where everyone there LIKES the same subject you do and many will be quite passionate about it. Social interaction without the small talk... people who will approach you or that you can approach to talk about things you like..and will listen to you for a change. Its a wonderful thing.