Switching Schools and their problems
hey first post stumbled across this site when my dad said to me he thinks ive got aspergers (prety much everyone in my family has it) and after a major stuff up of my first year of high school (losing friends failing wagging doing drugs you know)i went to board school that failed the same way and now im going to a cristian college in mid term i had my first day today and it was really scary small classes everyone asking questions (if you have changed schools before you know what im talking about) i feel outside alot i mean im the only person who knows who bring me the horizon and parkway drive are the only one who bes myself instead of being a fake and so far im alright with me i dont get why everyone trys to be different i understand taking ideas from celebritys and stuff (not my thing but nehh) what left me in the dust was this guy was talking to me he seemed cool and stuff and he goes what do you do i said i play music and video games he asks me stuff and i tell him i think star wars is mad (i mean anything that can keep you're intrest going sence you where four has to be but my question is why is the so called "cool kids" decide what i wear eat listen be friends with and the list goes on i remember this graffiti artist banksy say "when doing art don't thing outside the box colapse on the box and put a knife to it" i finish my rant with what did/do you do at school because if i keep hearing if everyones different and we have to except it how come i dont get to fit in???
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