Pills can't make you smart, that's just a fact.
The only thing you could be referring to is amphetamines, such as Adderall. These are commonly abused by desperate student's in an attempt to do better. They don't make you smart, they allow you to stay awake for longer and maintain attention, hence their use in ADHD. You'd need to see a specialist to get these, they don't just give them out, they are serious drugs.
The withdrawl effects from these drugs can be huge. Have you ever seen someone who abuses amphetamines? (It's also a commonly used recreational drug). I wouldn't recommend it. I've seen friends who've stayed awake for days without eating, they honestly looked like they were losing their minds, and some of them practically did coming down from these things. It won't make you smarter, it's a short term fix that will not help anyone. These drugs are safe if you have a licenced doctor to oversee your treatment and make sure it's safe. Otherwise you're just another foolish drug abuser playing with death.
Good grades come from working hard, and studying better. /end thread