Feeling guilty for not taking part of the group

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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Joined: 3 Oct 2009
Age: 34
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Location: Thailand

23 Jul 2011, 9:29 am

I recently was involved in this video editing project with a group of 5. The short video was planned to be a Street Fighter, and I was casted. Even though we were intent to do a slo-mo kind of fight, I couldn't get myself to 'pretend' to punch the other dude. I just couldn't. So, they had a replacement.

I then decided to do take part in editing. And on Facebook, one of them told me to find the sound effect like "fight!" kind of thing. So okay, I managed to find the sound effect, edited it to a shorter length, and sent it to my friend. But I've never got any of the editing to do. And the other 2 friends also didn't get to contribute either... :(