bradt4evr wrote:
You know the main thing with college and high school, is that you take the classes YOU WANT to take in college, where high school classes are mandatory, and college classes are when you learn about things you probably already know a little bit about or have a lot of interest in, therefor its easier to learn then some classes in high school, and a lot of times some students i think have trouble in college because some students can memorize answers out of a book, and answer test questions and hryt As in high school, but college requires a lot more thinking for yourself and having opinions and thoughts on things and not just reading out of a text book, which i think some students have trouble in, ive never been to college so i could be wrong, but from what ive heard from other people thats what i think is the problem with college compared to high school, more thinking from the heart. which i actually prefer over memorizing answers out of a book so i think ill like college
Well I do like college, I just feel like its pointless I guess......I kind of feel like everything is that way. I know its not and I should not be putting myself down over doing well even if I do feel like I could have done better.