Does anyone have a teacher that SUCKS???

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27 May 2006, 11:31 am

I have a science teacher that really sucks at teaching. He only has me and another kid in one class (my school is small), and he can't even manage that!! ! Before my parents complained to the school, his idea of "teaching" was having us read our books by ourselves and then he would leave the class room for a long time. He doesn't even know the material! He mostly has to use the book to figure it out. I bet I know more than he does! And half of the time, he talks about stuff that has nothing to do with the material. Then he blames us for not knowing it!! ! That's just a little of my experience with him! I used to to like science, but now I dread it. Anyone else have a teacher like this?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 May 2006, 10:15 pm

Unfortunately, I remember having more than one like that. :cry:

What I suggest is that you educate yourself, since the teacher doesn't seem all that interested in helping you. Since you have the book, read it. If there are sources listed (recommended readings, etc.), I'd go ahead and find them and read them as well. Most textbooks state key material in bold at the beginning of sections. I'd make sure I understood those concepts. If not, I'd hit the internet looking for answers. There are places you can send questions to, as a schoolkid, where a proper educator will respond.

One of the pitfalls of going to a school is that you think that you need for the teacher to tell you what to learn. Bigtime wrong! The best of teachers just point you in the right direction and get you started. How far you go is up to you. The worst of teachers try to keep you from going anywhere but the script they have for you. Fortunately, it looks like you've got one somewhere in between - not good enough to really help, but not in the way, either. Go for it.



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28 May 2006, 1:27 am

Oh, yeah. I had a chem teacher in high school who not only didn't know what he was talking about, he was crazy. He would do things like assign us numbers and refuse to call us by anything else one week, and then act perplexed the next over why we were heading our papers with numbers instead of names. He redid the grading scale to include grades such as "check plus minus" and made us wear full safety gear to weigh little wooden blocks on a scale, yet tried to make students clean up a mercury spill with paper towels. -_-;

Anyway, the point is that in order to get anything out of your time, you should basically pay lip service to whatever pointless crap the teacher is doing and then spend your effort on independent study. (At least, that's what I'd recommend if complaints have already been lodged to little effect.) Or else, since this person seems to want to put in as little effort as possible, openly suggest independent study projects or experiments that only really require his input when they're being graded. I had a couple of teachers in high school take me up on that, and it was a pretty sweet deal.


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29 May 2006, 5:47 pm

KKinNY wrote:
I have a science teacher that really sucks at teaching. He only has me and another kid in one class (my school is small), and he can't even manage that!! ! Before my parents complained to the school, his idea of "teaching" was having us read our books by ourselves and then he would leave the class room for a long time. He doesn't even know the material! He mostly has to use the book to figure it out. I bet I know more than he does! And half of the time, he talks about stuff that has nothing to do with the material. Then he blames us for not knowing it!! ! That's just a little of my experience with him! I used to to like science, but now I dread it. Anyone else have a teacher like this?

Yes I have had teachers like that. There are some really great teachers out there, and many stupid ones who probably thought it was a slack job, so they went into education.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 May 2006, 8:18 am

KKinNY wrote:
Before my parents complained to the school, his idea of "teaching" was having us read our books by ourselves and then he would leave the class room for a long time.

Funny, I pine for a teacher who does that! (but actually knows the subject matter) Its funny how one teacher I wouldn't mind having again is also considered slightly annoying by the NT crowd!

Theres a fine line between a teacher who can't teach, one that can, but won't shut up to allow some discovery by the students themselves to take place, and one that does it right.

The one that does it right (by mine/probably the majority here definition) will point you to what has to be known, and sets you off. If they think you are doing well, they'll take a backseat and let you go along yourself, if you're struggling, they'll fix you up.

Anyway, learn to study by yourself, find out what you are going to be tested on (and who is actually writing any test material if not the teacher) and go from there.

Its unfortunate that your situation sucks

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31 May 2006, 2:46 am

Every single PE teacher I've ever had sucks.

PE teachers need to be hung at the stake, and the class itself shouldn't be a compulsory.

Luckilly, because of a recent incident, I'm out of the class for good.



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02 Jun 2006, 9:09 am

My RE (Religious Education) teacher is very lazy. He never writes anything on the board and he just sits and talks for a long time.

If the phrase "you are what you eat" is correct, technically we must all be cannibals.


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04 Jun 2006, 12:21 am

The Teachers that I've dealt with in my College Job Prep Programme were all annoying.


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21 Jun 2006, 12:47 am

When you get to college there's one big question you have to ask yourself about your professors - are they tenured? If you see that someone's the chair of the department or has a long term contract with the school (or if they're near retirement) you might wanna stear away from them unless you've heard some overwhelmingly good things about em - some are that right combination of hard but really good while others are just comic relief.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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01 Jul 2006, 5:02 am

I used to have a great RE teacher called Mr Cater. He's left and now I'm stuck with an arse called Mr Drake. He talks about anything that anybody says to him. He can go on about a subject for hours upon end (which is a good thing 'cos I don't have to do work :D) and tells people of for smiling. He thinks hes "GOD" and if you try to talk back at him he says "You can't talk back at a teacher, be quiet!" I have despised him from the start. Although I dont have to do work :D


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01 Jul 2006, 8:17 am

I Had one like that though it was the Special Ed teacher I was in kinder She says to me stop scribling :cry: and I am a special ed kindergardener with motor skill problems but after she left we called her a witch after she got married she was not mean

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
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07 Jul 2006, 12:07 am

I've had 3 bad teacher's in a row for one trimester at my school

My Phy. Ed teacher really didn't like me and always demanded perfection. He expected us to know everything already. Thank god he retired after this year

My Physics teacher not only believed he was abducted by aliens (I can see believing IN aliens, but being abducted by them is a little nuts.) Besides that he had the personality of a cardboard box, and he REALLY didn't know how to teach. He also said he used to be a truck driver. Our school must've been really desperate for teachers.

My Algebra 2 teacher was a nice lady and all, but she got on my case every single test and really didn't know how to teach at all.


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10 Jul 2006, 11:58 am

I remember having one teacher that was worse than a drill sergeant. That was a bad school.


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25 Jul 2006, 8:10 pm

I have this professor for graphic design who is young, inexperienced, and hungry for people to tell him he's 'great' when all he does is put peoples work down. He marks all over everyone's artwork with a sharpie to highlight the problems with it, and can't say one positive thing about our work. He tends to pick on me the most, but thats probably because I stick out and fight back.

I did some artwork involving a black and red american flag and the twin towers on fire, and he threw a fit. This is, mind you, the art department of boston university. You'd THINK that he'd at least ask my creative reasoning. I tried to explain my creative reasoning to the class and he began to yell at me in front of everyone, saying 'we'd already had this conversation'. He and I did. The class did not hear it. I wanted them to be able to discuss it freely as this is america we're we're supposed to be able to SPEAK OUR MINDS. He didn't want me or anyone else to discuss my work.

ugh, some people should not be teaching.

...maybe I'll move to another country.


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24 Aug 2006, 11:53 am

My BCS teacher. I understood 5projects, 6th one...nope. Wouldn't get it through is head that I didn't get it.


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24 Aug 2006, 3:30 pm

My music teacher last year spent 9/10 of the class commenting about people in the class and judging them because of their appearance. She kept asking this kid how many subjects he was failing, and wouldn't believe him when he said none. Besides she forgot she had asked four minutes later and asked again.
I learned nothing at all that year.