Look, as a home schooler with NO skills, no friends, no time, and no outside connections, it's hard to find a scholarship I can actually do. But my dear, loving, understanding woman of a mother feels it necessary to spend hours of my free time looking for these things I'll never win anyway. Also, I don't have time for actual SCHOOL because I am so damn busy wasting time on this nonsense.
It's 8:22 PM here, and I have to find FIVE scholarships beforing retiring to bed. I am very sick, and it hurts to sit up for long periods of time. I was hoping to torture myself for an hour or so writing my short stories I've been working on lately, but this is apparently life or death important. I mean, why waste time getting a job to save up money or, God forgive me for suggesting this, work on the actual school work to graduate, when I can spend hours of my pathetic life crying about my back and the pains in my abdomen in this blasted chair as I write essay after essay and run through Google like a blind man searching for a squirrel in the rainforest?
In other words, would anyone like to assist me in my search for essay scholarships? You know, any will do. I enjoy writing, but it's so hard to find these things. Please? I'm already exhausted and I won't be able to sit up much longer.
I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.